The door then opened the class all looked back. Himiko skipped in with Hitoshi right behind her. Except instead of wearing his normal gym uniform, he had a proper hero outfit. He had a purple shirt with a black thick vest. He had dark purple pants and Hitoshi had a black hood that was currently down. He still had his capture weapon strung around his neck but now on his face was a thick black mask with a few purple highlights. Nobs and vents were clearly seen on it.

"Ah thanks Carmilla, now that we are all here. I think it is time I explain the test you will now take part in," Hope said, Carmilla bouncing over to him. The students all turned and straightened up at what Hope had said. They all waited for him to start.

"This year, I will be doing something different then what we have done previously. In the past years we used the entrance exam robots acting as villains. But now we are trying something different. In teams of three you all will be fighting one member of our staff acting as a villain," Hope informed. 

The classes mouth went wide and agape. Suddenly more of them became nervous and afraid. Even though the number of enemies are less, they are fighting full pro heroes. Not only do they have better quirk control, experience and fighting capabilities, they also have the advantage of the landscape they'll be versing them in. 

"Your job is either to incapacitate them, place these cuffs on them," Hope showed by raising bulky yellow and blue handcuffs. "or make it from one side of the training ground to the other. You loose if one of the staff manages to restrain you or you fail to perform one of those three winning conditions in the hour provided," Hope stated. The class all nodded, understanding the task but not feeling anymore confident. Carmilla then grabbed a piece of paper from her pocket and stood in front of Hope.

"Alright, we'll get you into your teams. I'll tell you where you all need to go and you can talk about stratergy on the way there. You will start when we sound the horn so try and think quickly. Alright the first group, Tokoyami, Asui and Nanami and you will head down to training ground C. The next group is Kirishima, Bakugo and Sato and you all are heading down to training ground A. The next group is Shinso, Mineta and Sero and you all are heading down to ground Beta. Jiro, Shoji and Koda you guys are next group and are going to ground Alpha. The next group is Yaoyorozu, Iida and Yagi and you three are going to training ground B. The next group is Kaminari, Ashido and Aoyama and you all are heading down to ground Delta. The last group is Uraraka, Ojiro and Hagakure with you guys heading down to training ground D," Carmilla informed. 

The class all shuffled around and moved next to their team. Eijiro put his arm around Katsuki and Mina grabbed Denki and Yuga by the neck and yanked them in close to her, almost choking them with her arm. Once they all settled down, Hope spoke up again.

"I don't want to waste anymore time as this will be a long and hard test. So if any of you have questions, ask them now before heading down," Hope asked. Tenya immediately shot his hand up.

"Yes, who are we facing against?" he asked. Hope smirked and shook his head.

"You are going to have to figure that out. You won't always have all of the information but you have a duty to protect. Any other questions?" Hope asked. The students all looked at each other and shook their heads. Hope smiled.

"Alright out you go. If you finish early come here as Recovery Girl will be here to help you if you are injured. Hurry up," Hope ushered and the students quickly piled out, the groups all walking and making their way to their fighting grounds for the upcoming test.

All were anxious but had never felt more determined. 

Ochako, Mashirao and Toru all walked down towards training ground D. They were mostly silent as what were they supposed to say? The didn't know who they were fighting against or how to incorporate their abilities with one another. They hardly even knew the battle ground they were going too. But Mashirao was the one who broke the ice.

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