Chapter 18: The Wedding of Aurora

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The next day
{In Eugene's bedroom}
(Rapunzel opened her eyes and looked up at Eugene)
Eugene: Good morning, my beautiful princess
Rapunzel: Hello, my handsome roughish prince
Eugene: Yesterday was the best night of my life
Rapunzel: Mine as well
[She laid her head back on Eugene's chest, Rapunzel smiled, she closed her eyes enjoying the feeling of waking up in Eugene's strong, warm, and muscular arms while listening to his heartbeat]
Eugene: We should probably get up, it's five am
Rapunzel: Yeah, we've both got our duties to attend to
(They pull away, Eugene stands up, puts his underpants on, gets up, and Rapunzel covers her modesty with the bedsheets)
Eugene: I don't hear any guards outside the door, you should be able to go to your bedroom without anyone spotting you
Rapunzel: I'd love to stay here with you in your bed 24/7
(Eugene chuckles and kisses Rapunzel making her smile into the kiss and they pull away)
Eugene: Me too, if it were up to me then I'd spend all day kissing you, loving you, touching you, and making love to you
Rapunzel: Me too, Eugene
(She uncovers herself and gets dressed as well as Eugene. She then stands up but falls in Eugene's arms)
Eugene: Woah, you ok?
(Rapunzel giggles)
Rapunzel: I'm fine, I'm just sore and tired from last night
Eugene: Oh really now? I guess I took all the energy out of you
Rapunzel: Oh be quiet you
Eugene: You might want to cover up my marks so no one will see
Rapunzel: W-What marks?
(She looked in the mirror and saw lovebites over her neck making her gasp and making Eugene laugh)
Rapunzel: Eugene Fitzherbert, you left me lovebites all over my neck
Eugene: Oh Blondie, not just your neck, honey
(Rapunzel giggles and they share a soft kiss)
Rapunzel: I gotta go, I'll see you later
(As she starts to leave she gently slaps Eugene's posterior)
Eugene: Hey woah now
(Rapunzel laughs and leaves his bedroom)
{With Rapunzel}
[She goes into her bedroom and bathes with semi-cold water, gets dressed, puts some make-up and powder on the souvenir lovebites from the night before that Eugene left behind, and then heads downstairs for breakfast. Once she has breakfast, she continues her morning routine of brushing her teeth and enjoying the sunrise from her balcony beside her animal friends. She had decided to skip her workout routine since she was already tired and sore. She then went along with her day doing her royal duties as always but she also starts designing Aurora's wedding dress. A month passed and in that month, Rapunzel and Eugene would always be sneaking into each other's bedrooms, and bathrooms, in a canoe in the middle of the sea where they first saw the lanterns, in a river, and sometimes in a secluded part of the forest to have their wicked way with each other. Rapunzel's aunt, Willow, had been seeing and spending time with King Trevor, two weeks after the day of hearts. A day or two later, new red rocks appeared, which could show people's worst fear and freeze them. Eugene and Lance stayed in the kingdom to help the people not to be afraid and to conquer their fears. Rapunzel and Varian went to Demanitus' cave and with the yellow amber solution from Varian, they were able to get rid of the red rocks. Rapunzel had confessed to Varian that one of her worst fears was Corona surrounded by the black rocks, Cassandra taking over Corona, her taking over the entire kingdom and destroying it, and losing her as a friend forever. Once they got back to the palace, Rapunzel went to talk with Eugene. She had told Eugene that she had sensed Cassandra through the red rocks and that it felt as if Cassandra was just as afraid as they were. Rapunzel and Eugene then concluded that there was still a chance to save their friend. Rapunzel had already finished Aurora's wedding dress and as soon as Aurora saw it, she completely fell in love with it. It was identical to her classic birthday dress but this time it was white, it had rose designs on the top of the sleeves, it sparkled, and Aurora couldn't wait to finally get to wear it on her big day. Soon enough, the day had arrived and everyone went to Sunhaven, France for one of the biggest celebrations that had ever happened in the kingdom]
{Inside Aurora's castle}
[The wedding was held inside the palace in the throne room, there was a red carpet on the floor, there was a small altar where the thrones naturally were, it was beautifully decorated, and there were benches on the sides. In the first row on the right side was Aurora's mother, there was a spot for her father, the three good fairies, the fairy godmother was there as well as King Hubert. The other benches on both sides were filled with other royals, important people, and friends. Right in the front was Prince Phillip and behind the altar was the priest. The music began and everyone stood up, leading the line was the best man, Li Shang, and the maid of honor, Rapunzel. After her, it was Snow with Ferdinand, then Cinderella with Henri, then Ariel with Eric, and then Belle with Adam. After them it was, Jasmine with Aladdin, then Pocahontas with John, Nakoma with Thomas, and then Mulan with Eugene. Following them was Tiana with Naveen, Lottie with Lance, then Anastasia with Dimitri, and then it was Esmeralda with Phoebus. After them, it was Megara with Hercules, and then it was Moana and Merida behind them by themselves since there weren't any more guy friends and they weren't interested in coming with anyone in particular. Behind them was Aurora with her father. They break apart, the guys go to the left side while the girls go to the right, and finally, Phillip sees Aurora and is taken away by her beauty]
*Aurora's outfit*

 They break apart, the guys go to the left side while the girls go to the right, and finally, Phillip sees Aurora and is taken away by her beauty]*Aurora's outfit*

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[King Stefan handed Aurora over to Phillip and went to sit beside his wife. The others went to their assigned seats on the front benches. The ceremony then began and followed with no interruptions. When the time came, Rapunzel and Shang signed as the witnesses because they were the maid of honor and best man. After the rings were on their fingers, the priest announced them husband and wife, and Aurora and Philip shared a soft and loving kiss

 After the rings were on their fingers, the priest announced them husband and wife, and Aurora and Philip shared a soft and loving kiss

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[Everyone stood up clapping and cheering for the newlyweds. As they exited the church, everyone was throwing rose petals at them. The reception was held at their castle, everyone danced, talked, laughed, ate, and drank for a good amount of hours. Everyone was congratulating Aurora and Phillip but were also congratulating Rapunzel on the amazing job she did with Aurora's wedding dress. She thanked the people who came up to her but when she got shy and awkward. Aurora pulled her back out and told her not to be so modest. She even wanted to do the same gift for her, Aurora wanted to design Rapunzel's wedding dress and vowed to make her the perfect wedding dress to Rapunzel's style. When the time came, Aurora tossed her wedding bouquet and Rapunzel caught it making many laugh, Philip tossed one of Aurora's tossing garters and Eugene caught it making people laugh again. Rapunzel and Eugene laughed as well and they shared a kiss. After their wedding reception, Aurora and Philip got on their ship that would take them to Motunui for their honeymoon. After they left, everyone started to leave back to their own homes except for the other princesses, princes, and their friends since they would be staying the night and then they would be leaving the next morning back to their home countries. The next morning, bright and early, everyone left in their carriages and the other princesses couldn't wait until their turn to marry arrived. Eventually, Rapunzel and the others made it back to Corona safely and without any issues or complications]

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