Chapter 17: The Long-Awaited Night

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[A couple of weeks had passed, in those couple of weeks a few new things had occurred. King Edmund had returned and after he and Eugene locked up The Stabbingtons once again and after their crazy adventure at Mount Saison they finally had connected and gotten closer to one another. Catalina learned to control the wolf spirit within her thanks to her sister, Angry, and her friends. Rapunzel had finally turned twenty years old, she was still trying to help her parents remember all the beautiful memories that they once shared, why they were in love in the first place, Varian tried to help as much as possible with his scientific methods and skills, but things weren't working out, and the day of hearts wasn't too far away. Soon enough, the day had arrived, June the sixth and Rapunzel had other tricks up her sleeve. Rapunzel and her friends had sent them on a horse riding date for the afternoon but things didn't go according to the plan. They then went to dinner at The Snuggly Duckling but, again, things didn't go the way Rapunzel wanted them to go. After dinner, Eugene and Rapunzel got them in a canoe and Lance rowed them to the middle of the lake then later played romantic music on his guitar. Things were starting to go in a positive direction and they were about to kiss before King Trevor interrupted everything because he wanted to be with Queen Arianna. King Trevor had taken Queen Arianna outside the inter-kingdom waters supposedly to go see sea serpents but in reality, he was going to try to marry Queen Arianna. Thankfully the others get there in time, King Trevor even helps save Rapunzel from the sea serpent alongside his team of seals. After returning a sea serpent's egg that King Trevor mistakenly took for a sea crystal, the serpent left them alone. Everyone got back to Corona but unfortunately, Herz Der Sonne's diary fell into the sea and it was destroyed]

(They pull away)
King Frederic: Well, I believe it's dinner time
Queen Arianna: Oh yes, I am positively starving
(They leave the diary room and go down to dinner)
<after dinner>
[As always, Rapunzel went to her room and brushed her teeth, and normally she would go outside and take a walk around the courtyard to enjoy the sunset but this time, she had other special plans. She went to Eugene's bedroom and knocked on the door]
{Outside Eugene's bedroom}
(He opened the door)
Eugene: Hey, sunshine, I was just about to take a shower, but c'mon in
(Rapunzel went inside and closed and locked the door behind them. They then sat on his bed)
Rapunzel: I just wanted to say that even though we never signed Herz De Sonne's diary at least we have a new book of hearts and we were the first ones to sign it
Eugene: I feel the same way, sweetheart
[They lean in and share a soft kiss but it starts growing more passionately by the minute. Eventually, their tongues meet, and start battling each other for dominance. Rapunzel starts to lay down putting her hands on Eugene's shoulders and Eugene wraps his arms around her getting on top of her. He caressed her waist and hips making her let out a small moan, Rapunzel ran her fingers through his hair and pulled the back of it softly making Eugene let out a groan. He knew he was getting too excited and needed to stop before things got out of control. He tried to pull away but Rapunzel wrapped her arms around his neck not letting him pull away, which surprised him. He pulled away and began kissing her jaw and made his way down to her neck. He started kissing, biting, and sucking on both sides of her neck making her moan out]
Rapunzel: Eu-Eugene
Eugene: Punzel
(He pulled away breathless and looked at her)
Eugene: Blondie, maybe we should take this slow
(Rapunzel giggles breathlessly)
Rapunzel: Eugene, we've been taking it slow for basically two and a half years now
Eugene: I know, but I don't want to pressure you into doing something you don't want to do or something you're not ready for
Rapunzel: You're not, Eugene
Eugene: I want our first time together to be unforgettable. I want it to feel special, I want it to be special, and I don't want you to have any regrets
Rapunzel: You're so sweet, but I'm not going to have any regrets, I don't have any regrets, and I want this Eugene. I want you to make me yours, now, I don't want to wait anymore
[She brought him down to her and kissed him passionately, he kissed her back closing his eyes as well, and slowly each layer of cloth came off. They ended up under Eugene's bedsheets, their chemistry and their magic continued, they gave in to each other's desires for one another, into each other's love and passion for each other, and they became one. One body, one soul, one heart, they poured out all of their feelings and love for each other in that beautiful moment, and eventually, after three hours, they stopped and fell asleep in each other's arms]

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