The next night
[The gang had returned to Corona only to find out that The Saporians and Varian had taken over the kingdom and used the Saporian memory wand to erase Rapunzel's parents' memories. Rapunzel and her friends had a battle in the throne room against The Saporians but ended up losing making them retreat. Rapunzel fashioned herself a new frying pan and Rapunzel had gone off in secret back to the palace to face them head-on but Pascal followed her. She ended up being caught and The Saporians and Varian locked them up. Varian revealed his plan to Rapunzel. He would use his Quirinian to erase everyone's memories so they could forget about everything]
{In the dungeons}
Rapunzel: Yes, Eugene, we have to, Varian created the Quirinian and we need his help
(Varian smiles)
[Eugene frees Pascal and decides to trust Varian once again since Rapunzel said to trust him. Together, they defeat The Saporians, lock them up, and save Corona from the Quirinian. They also track all of the other criminals that The Saporians let go and arrest them once again. Rapunzel went with Varian to his house to keep her promise to him about helping his father]
{In Varian's House}
[Rapunzel had told Varian about what she was going to do and asked him to snap her out of the trance that the dark curse would put her in]
Varian: Dad, what did the note say?
Quirin: Just that I'm proud of you, son
(They hug)
<during the afternoon>
{Inside Rapunzel's bedroom}
(Rapunzel was looking at the sunset and Eugene knocked on the door)
Rapunzel: Come in
(Eugene opened the door with a cupcake)
Eugene: You know, I missed the cupcakes from Corona
(Rapunzel giggled and Eugene sat by her)
Eugene: I'm glad that you were able to help Varian. It feels great to be able to count on him once again
(He gave her the cupcake)
Rapunzel: I know, it does, you're right
(She puts it down)
Rapunzel: Eugene, I think I'm ready to talk about Cassandra
Eugene: Then I am here to listen, sunshine
Rapunzel: Well at first, I felt extremely betrayed and hurt about what Cassandra did because after all, she's always been one of my closest friends and I refused to believe that Demanitus was right. I didn't want to believe that anyone of my closest friends was going to turn away from me. Her betrayal was really tough for me but I'm guessing it wasn't hard on just me
Eugene: Yeah, it wasn't just on you, sweetheart. I started to see her like a little sister. Granted an annoying little sister but a little sister nevertheless
Rapunzel: I decided that I'm not going to lose hope in her, I'm not going to stop trying to get through to her, and I'm not leaving her
Eugene: Rapunzel, she's the one who left you
Rapunzel: Eugene, I know that. I know she betrayed me, I know she left me, but I'm not giving up on her, I'm gonna give her a couple of more chances, so she can do the right thing. Friends don't leave friends behind. Think back to when you used to be a thief and you used to work with Lance. Your rule was every man for himself but did you follow that rule with Lance
Eugene: No, we never left each other behind, we never betrayed one another
Rapunzel: Ok then, I'm not giving up on Cass, not yet, not if I can help it
Eugene: Alright then, if you're not giving up on her, then I'm not giving up on her yet either, we'll get her back, or at least try to
(Rapunzel smiles)
Rapunzel: Good, now, let's split this cupcake
Eugene: Sounds good, sweetheart
[They share the cupcake and then go outside to spend some time together and with their animal friends]
(Rapunzel had told Varian everything)
Varian: So, Cass betrayed you? She really did leave you guys?
Rapunzel: Yes, she did, Varian, I wanted to tell you too
Varian: Thank you, but as you said, she's our friend and we'll try to get through to her, it's never too late to do the right thing
Rapunzel: Exactly
Varian: Are you going to tell the other princesses?
Rapunzel: I have to, we were all friends, and they have a right to know about what's happened with Cassandra. Besides they're coming over tomorrow, so it'll be the perfect time to tell them everything that has occurred
Varian: I get it, you sixteen have always been close and that includes Cassandra, your newest princess friend, Princess Moana, and Nakoma
Rapunzel: Yeah and between all of us, I'm sure we'll get through to Cass, I know it
Varian: Me too
(They go back inside the palace to the throne room for dinner)
The next day
[The other princesses had arrived and after greeting everyone, Rapunzel and the girls went to Rapunzel's bedroom while their animal friends played outside with one another. Rapunzel showed them her diary and retold every single event and every single adventure that she had alongside her other friends. Eventually, of course, she got to the big fallout she had with Cassandra]
Snow White: I can't believe it, I just never thought that would ever happen
Cinderella: I know, we've always been so very close to one another, we've always been so loyal and honest with each other. I know that each of us has our own personal best friends but deep down, we're all like sisters to one another
Aurora: Tell me about it, how are you feeling, though?
Rapunzel: Honestly, not so good, I miss her, I miss her so much, but like I told Eugene I'm not going to leave her, I'm going to get through to her, I have to
Ariel: And you can count us in, we're here to help, always
Belle: Definitely, we're all connected and I don't want to lose Cass, she's a part of our group and friends stick together
Jasmine: Yeah, none of us want to lose her, if we work together just like we've always done, there's going to be a better chance to help out, Cass
Pocahontas: So what's our plan? What are we going to do to get Cass back?
Nakoma: I don't know but we'll come up with something, we always do
Mulan: We will, you'll see, I believe in us and the willpower that we all have especially together
Tiana: Let's just hope that she's willing to do the right thing because we can try to get her back as much as possible. However, if she doesn't want to see the error of her ways, if she doesn't want to do the right thing, and if she doesn't want to listen to reason, then there's nothing that we can do about it
Rapunzel: She will, you'll see, we have to keep our minds and our hearts positive. I know that there's good in her
Charlotte: You're right and we're a stubborn bunch, so there's nothing that can't stand in our way whenever we stick together
Merida: Ay, lassies, I know it's a pure mess right now but we'll get our friend back
Moana: You guys are right, it seems like everything is upside down right now but things will get better and everything will work itself out
Anastasia: That's for sure, it's nice to hang out like this, all of us together, it's been so long. We need to do it more often
Esmeralda: But we've been talking about Cassandra so much that I didn't even notice your engagement ring, Poca
Megara: It's true, I love it
(The other girls squeal and hug Pocahontas making her laugh, and the others laugh alongside her. After a while, they pull away, Pocahontas shows them the engraving, and then puts her ring back on)
Snow White: It's so beautiful
Pocahontas: Yes, it is, I love it, it's my birthstone, a topaz, but it's red, it's so beautiful
Cinderella: Details, now
(Pocahontas giggled)
Pocahontas: He proposed to me where our eyes first connected, in the river
Aurora: Aw, that is so romantic, and I just love the engraving
Pocahontas: I immediately said yes, I was crying
(She laughs)
Pocahontas: We're gonna start planning our wedding once I get back to the village, which brings me to the next topic, I want you girls to be my bridesmaids, and Nakoma, I want you to be my maid of honor
Nakoma: Of course I will, you're my best friend
Ariel: Absolutely
Belle: We'd love to
Jasmine: Definitely
Mulan: I wouldn't miss it for the world
Tiana: For sure
Charlotte: Count me in
Rapunzel: Me too
Merida: Why not, lassie
Moana: A hundred percent
Anastasia: Wild horses couldn't stop me
Esmeralda: I'd be delighted
Megara: I'll make it, I promise. By the way, it was about time you two tied the know
(Pocahontas laughed)
Pocahontas: But it seems someone needs to tell us a little something. I mean this girl did say that she had a surprise
(Aurora giggled)
Aurora: Alright, I guess it's time, Phillip and I are finally getting married
(All the girls squealed, giggled, and group hugged)
Rapunzel: About time
Aurora: I know, I know, and Rapunzie, I'd like you to be my maid of honor
Rapunzel: I'd be honored
Snow White: Will there be a theme or something or are we all gonna wear the same outfits?
Aurora: Oh no way, you all can wear whatever you want as long as it looks nice and you're comfortable in it. Themes get way too complicated, I just want a simple and beautiful ceremony with my friends, family, my people, with a nice dinner, and that's all
Cinderella: It'll be the happiest day of your life
Rapunzel: Oh my goodness, I'd love to design your wedding dress
Aurora: You'd do that for me?
Rapunzel: Yes, anything for my best friend and sister
Aurora: Aww, thank you
(They hug)
Rapunzel: I love you, Ro
Aurora: I love you too, Rapunzie
Ariel: Hey, I want a group hug
Belle: Yeah, me too
Rapunzel: Well then get in here
Aurora: Yeah, what are you waiting for
[The girls laugh and they join their hug, Merida rolls her eyes playfully, joins the hug, and everyone laughs. After a small while, they pull away, and continue to talk until it's time for them to go to sleep since the others had to leave for their kingdoms in the morning]

A Tangled Life
FanfictionWhat is Eugene's backstory? What was his past before he met Rapunzel? How was Rapunzel's childhood while she was growing up? What if Gothel hadn't run into Max in the forest? What if she never found out that Rapunzel had left the tower and what if s...