This rule is undoubtedly the best for the top-ranked students.

Li Xu'an was the first to end, and he chose the creative team.

The second place is Shen Xingchen. He chose a singing and dancing song that suits him very well. He is not very talented in writing, so he is very smart to make use of his strengths and avoid weaknesses.

When it was Jian Xingsui's turn, he chose the creative team without any hesitation.

Tuya nodded and showed a satisfied smile. She always felt that Jian Xingsui's creative talent was very high, but she didn't show it very well when she was a public servant. Instead, she was questioned about her professional ability in dancing. Now she is alone The creation of the creative group was set up, just when he showed his skills.

Jian Xingsui stood in the creative team.

Li Xu'an smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

Jian Xingsui shook hands.

What he didn't expect was that the creative team would be so popular. The fourth place An Ran came to the creative team without any hesitation. He smiled sweetly at everyone: "I'm here."

Jian Xing Sui also smiled.

He was not as afraid of An Ran as he used to be.

In this ranking, Zhou Xun's ranking is not very low, and there is no surprise. In order to follow An Ran, he also joined the creative team. The remaining two people are people who are not familiar with Jian Xingsui.

The six people have different thoughts, and this combination is destined to be an uneven road.

After everyone was grouped together, the six people came to the training room assigned to them together, and after sitting on the floor, they began to introduce themselves and get to know each other.

The remaining two people introduced themselves:

"Hello, I'm Zhang Jiajia, I prefer to sing."

"Hello, I'm Zuo An, I usually rap, hip-hop, and write songs by myself."

Jian Xingsui and a few others He also introduced himself.

As the person with the highest ranking here, Li Xu'an has an inexplicable sense of superiority, and it is not a low sense of superiority. Obviously, he has not yet elected the captain, and he has already begun to command: "Okay, basically everyone has experienced a public, and they are all familiar with each other, seven days, the time is relatively tight, and there is not much else to say. Since we have all chosen the creative team, we must have ideas in our hearts, right? Lets set a theme first, and then get up and create, do you have any ideas?"

Zhou Xun said, "I think we should choose a captain first?"

Li Xu'an is very confident: "Then who do we vote for to be the captain? I have the experience of being a captain before. I think I should be able to lead everyone well." An Ran smiled slightly: "I also think Brother Xu An can do it."

In the past, Jian Xingsui agreed.

But not long ago, he learned that he should not be able to debut, and the second public may be his last stage, so the meaning of all this is different.

In many unknown days and nights, the emotions that he had nowhere to vent were all written on paper by him with a pen. He wrote many, many songs, but none of them could see the light of day, only on the bookshelf. Ashes.

In the previous life, An Ran was radiant and hot, but he died of depression when the protagonist was at his most brilliant. In this life, he also knew that he might not be a shining person, but this stage may be the last time he can be in Fu. The opportunity to sing in front of the best actor, in front of everyone, and sing the songs you wrote.

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