I scoffed at that. Great! Say you aren't once and then say you are later.

He luckily went after that but Mom didn't.

"Sameera," she said softly.

"Please, I am not going back. I don't want you to pester as well!" I snapped at her.

"I won't!" She said softly. "I just wanted to say that Samar has been unhappy ever since you left the house and ever since he got to know the truth, he is feeling worse. He is really feeling very guilty. And, trust me when I say that he has never differentiated between Kriti and you. He really loves you and cares for you, Sameera. Please forgive your father. That's all I am asking you to do."

I didn't answer anything because I can't be mean to her when all she has ever been only nice to me. But I can't make her happy either by agreeing to what she wants me to do.

I can't ever forgive him. I am hurt. The only person I always expected to understand me, to support me has shown me the reality.

The reality that I am not Samar Oberoi's real daughter. I am the daughter of his brother whom he hates.

She understood that I can't do what she is asking me to and said, "I don't want you to do anything that you don't want to Sam. But please take care of yourself and always remember I am there for you whenever you need me."

"You weren't!" I snapped at her again. I just can't control. "You weren't there when I needed you! No one was!" Tears pricked my eyes.

"It's not what you think Sam. I didn't want you to leave. I tried to contact you when you left the house but you didn't pick my call."

"Did you say Dad that you trust me? Did you trust me? Did you even once think that I am not guilty but Nikhil is?"

"No, I didn't! Because I didn't care whether you were at fault or not. I was just worried about you. All I want is you to be happy and safe. I asked Samar to find you but he said that you will come back on your own."

Ofcourse Mr. Oberoi is no different than Nikhil. They both have the same belief that I am nothing without them and I can't take care of myself.

But I will prove him wrong. I will prove him that I am independent and I don't need their money neither their support!

"It's nice to know Mrs. Oberoi. Now you may leave!" I told her.

I saw tears forming in her eyes and I immediately felt guilty. I am mad at Mr. Samar Oberoi not at her. I shouldn't have had talked to her like this.

"I know I am not your real mother. And I know I can't ever be, Sameera. But the least I expected you to not talk like this. We are still your family."

"I am sorry." I apologised.

I thought now she will leave but instead she came inside and sat on the sofa.

"I need to leave for work. I am getting late!" I told her but she ignored it.

"Come and sit here." She said patting the sofa beside her.

I sat without questioning anything because there is no point.

She opened her mobile phone and started going through her library. After a couple of seconds, she showed a picture to me.

It was the picture of a girl. A small girl of around a year wearing a beautiful blue frock. She was laughing while holding a yellow ball.

"Who is this girl? And why are you showing this picture to me?" I asked her confused.

"Look properly." She said.

I looked at the picture closely. I noticed that the ball had white polka dots, the frock was light blue in colour and had dark blue stripes. I noticed the black eyes of the girl.

"It's me!" I instantly had tears in my eyes when I said that.

"Yes. It's you!"

"How do you have my picture?" I asked because I don't even have my own pictures as a kid. I lost all of them that day. Till today I didn't even knew how I looked as a kid.

"Your mother gave me!"

"But you never met her." I stated.

"I didn't. But we talked over the phone. When I got married to Samar, she called me to congratulate me. That was the first and the only time we talked. She told me about you. She even sent me your pictures." She was emotional while she was talking. "Wait I have one more." She said and started searching her photo gallery once again.

Then she showed me.

It was a picture of my parents holding me between them. Tears flowed down my eyes. I am seeing their picture after years! This is the first time I am looking at their picture after they died. My parents. They looked so happy.

They always were so happy. We were one happy family!

"I need this picture." I told her.

"Your mother didn't want me to tell Samar that we talked so I never told him that your mother called."

"I won't tell Mr. Oberoi if that's what you want." I told her honestly. I am pretty sure he must have atleast one picture of my parents. If not Maa then atleast of Papa. How can he not? After all they are brothers. But he never gave them to me. He never wanted me to talk about my parents.

And I didn't. I accepted him as my parent. But, I always miss my real family. I always wanted to talk about them. To look at their pictures and smile remembering the hazy recollection I have of them.

"You know one thing that I am sure of after talking to your mother is that she values family. She values relations and that is why she called me that day. She would never want you to talk to your family in such a disrespectful way."

"I am not being disrespectful. But I don't have any relations left." I told her.

"Sameera parents also make mistakes sometimes just like kids do. Can't kids forgive them just like parents do?"

"It's not easy!"

"I know. Take your time but please forgive us for our mistakes." She said before leaving and giving a kiss on my forehead but after sending me both the pictures.

I kept staring at my parents face when I saw the time.

Oops! I am late! I have to go to the office and it is going to take a lot of time to travel.

Aayansh is definitely going to mock me. Maybe he won't hire me because of my tardiness. This will be a good excuse for him.

Shit! I am in deep trouble! I need to hurry if I want this job!

Broken HeartsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz