I turned to him, smirking.

"Challenge accepted."

The radio in the craft crackled to life.

"Do you have him?" Fury's voice came through the speaker.

"Yes. Bringing him in now."

"Is he saying anything?"

"Not a thing." Stark called from the back. "Well, besides insulting Ash, but who cares about Ash?"


"Stark, stop harassing Ash. Ash, stop reminding Tony of the fact that you're a better fighter than him."

I stuck my tongue out at Stark.

The radio crackled out. Soon after, lightning lit up the sky.

"Where did this come from?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the clouds?"

Natasha shot me a dirty look.

"What's up? Scared of a little lightning?" Captain addressed Loki.

He looked fearfully up at the roof.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows."

CRASH. Something had landed on the roof.

Stark put on his helmet and went to the edge of the hatch, which Natasha opened.


A blonde dude landed on the ramp, pushing Stark out of the way, before reaching up and grabbing Loki. He then proceeded to jump out of the aircraft.

Well, that was intelligent.

Stark went to go and jump out of the aircraft.

"Wait! We need a plan of attack."

Stark turned around to look at captain.

"I have a plan. Attack." And with that he flew off after Blondie and Loki.

Captain grabbed a parachute.

"Maybe you should sit this one out Cap. You too, Ash. These guys come from legends. They're basically gods."

"There's only one god ma'am, and I pretty sure he doesn't dress like that."

"And I was never one to miss something exciting."

I grabbed a parachute and leaped out, Cap following close behind.

I landed quite roughly, having not parachuted for quite a while. I landed on a ledge above the forest where Blondie and Stark looked like they were about to fight. Loki was up here, observing them with amusement.

Stark flew at Blondie, blasting him through a tree. I walked over to Loki, holding out my hand to him. He looked at it confusion.

"Look, do you want help up or not?"

"Why would you? I'm the enemy."

I shrugged.

"So was I, until I decided that life imprisonment wasn't a great option."

He took my hand and I pulled him up. We watched Blondie shoot lightning at Stark.

"You know Blondie, I take?"

Loki glanced over at me.

"Yes. He's my adopted brother, unfortunately."

"I feel for you. Blondes aren't as fun as people think they are." I said, thinking about Cap.

"What?" Loki sounded thoroughly confused.

"Oh. There's a saying on earth that blondes have more fun. Not really that true. Well, they might have fun but the others around them normally don't."

A few more trees crashed to the ground.

"You have a blonde sibling then?"

"Nah. I was talking about my mother. She took joy in dragging me to church and forcing me to drink grape juice. I swear she enjoyed it most of the time."

"You're religious then?" Loki said with contempt. I laughed.

"You think after so many church visits I would be, but I'm so far from it it's slightly ridiculous."

I looked over at Loki.

"I'm Ash, by the way. Though I assume you knew that already. Trained in assassination and badassery."

He flashed me a smile, which quickly dropped off his face when he saw Blondie and Stark flying up to us. Stark had Captain under his arm.

"Greetings boys! Have you figured out who gets the last piece of candy yet?"

Stark glared and Blondie looked confused.

"Candy?" He questioned. Loki rolled his eyes.

"It's a mortal thing, Thor."

'Thor' frowned.

"I must be taught the Mortal ways. I do not understand."

"Well, Blondie. I'd be happy to teach you." I winked at him, to which Stark rolled his eyes (having slipped up his mask).

"Thank you, Lady..."


"Lady Ash." He took my hand and kissed it.

Stark made vomiting noises.

Who would win in a fight?

Black Widow VS Hawkeye

Lies (A Loki/Avengers fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now