We're screwed[36]

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Izuku’s pov 

“What are we going to do!” I feel like I’m going to rip my hair out as I sit on Bakugo’s bed. I feel arms engulf me. “It's gonna be ok bro.” he whispered as we hear heels click on the wood floors. Then the door opened. Katsuki dropped his hands and scoot away as soon as the door opened. 

“Katsuki~!” Auntie yelled. “What do you want old hag?” he got a smack to the head for that one. “Hey, Auntie, mom. What’s this visit about?” I put on my innocent voice.  My mom just smiled. I shivered. “Well, we wanted to let you know that you're moving in!” she cheered. I looked at her confused. 

“And by move in with you mean…” I asked. “It means we had a deal that if you got together we had an arrangement to keep you guys in a house for the break!” my mom clapped, jumping through the air like she can float. I deadpan I hold my hand to Kats while he pays me. Our moms looked confused. Kat noticed and started to explain. “We had a bet.” They looked even more confused. “We had a bet that you would move us in before we were ready. I said that you would do it our 2nd year and he said that you would do this our 1-year.”

They were shocked for a second. “Well we wanted to tell you this now, bye sons!” and they left us with the bombshell. We kinda just stood there in shock. “Hey guys… what’s going on?” we heard Kiri say in the closet. I was the first one to move. I made the trek to the closest to let Kiri out. He walked out as I looked Katsuki in the eye and say “We’re screwed.” 

Idk man my mom said no...

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