Chapter 15: The Ultimate Betrayal

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[Eugene and Rapunzel run into Madam Canardist and Vigor because they had been following them. Vigor, Madam Canardist, Eugene, and Rapunzel have a little fortune-telling session and it ends with Vigor giving them a riddle. Rapunzel immediately figures out that it was a riddle to find the last piece of the scroll. Eugene and Rapunzel go with Vigor to find the last piece of the scroll, which leads them to a maze. Lord Demanitus' spirit comes out from deep inside Vigor and he leads them through the maze full of riddles and booby traps. They find the final piece of the scroll and put it together, but at the end of their mission, Lord Demanitus' spirit goes dormant deep inside Vigor making him just a regular monkey. Eugene and Rapunzel go back to Madam Canardist and return Vigor to her. She then gives Eugene a little something from Vigor but it was really from Lord Demanitus]

[Rapunzel ended up reading the message from Lord Demanitus but she believed that no one would turn against her. Once they got to The Dark Kingdom, Eugene found out the truth about his past. The truth was that he was the lost prince of The Dark Kingdom, and he had met his father, King Edmund. He revealed that he had to send him away as a baby alongside their people to protect him and them from the moonstone. The moonstone had killed Eugene's mother because King Edmund had tried to destroy it. King Edmund's crows had kept an eye out for him and reported back to the king but eventually, they lost track of Eugene. Eugene didn't want anything to happen to Rapunzel, so he refused her the entrance]
{With Eugene}

[Eventually, Pascal made it inside the palace and confronted Eugene. Eugene had confessed to the little chameleon that his mother had died because of the moonstone and he didn't want to lose Rapunzel, and Pascal felt sorry for him, but Pascal showed him Demanitus' message and Eugene thought that he was the one who betrayed Rapunzel. Eugene then made a decision and let Rapunzel in]
*Pretend Rapunzel's other animals were there in the battle as well*

[Rapunzel goes inside the chamber where the moonstone was but didn't listen to Adira when she had told her that she should go alone. She decides to bring Eugene and Cassandra alongside her but the unexpected for Rapunzel and Eugene happens. Cassandra takes the moonstone for herself committing the ultimate betrayal. She turns against Rapunzel and their friends. Cassandra tells Rapunzel what she saw that day in The House of Yesterday's Tomorrow

She then continues to tell Rapunzel about her past, how she was Gothel's real daughter, and in her mind that Rapunzel's destiny belonged to her]
{With Cassandra}

[Rapunzel makes it back to her friends, puts her hair in her regular braid, and hides what she's feeling from everyone. Ulf then rescues them in the hot air balloon and takes them back to Corona since the kingdom was in great peril thanks to a group of separatists of Saporians that were being led by Andrew/Hubert]

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