chapter 24

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Life is a long lesson in humility. - ...              Listening this she didn't know what to say than she says I was doing my preparation for project,...... Which project? I got a new project...... U didn't tell me about this? I forgot to tell u..... U forgot to tell me this? Seriously khushboo? Y y y yes says khushboo...... Khushboo tell me one thing, yeah ask..... When I was in London and we talk with each other in ph..... Whatever things u say to me you genuinely feel it? Of course rayan what do think? I was lying? No khushboo just asking...... Ok let's go outside..... The day went off but rayan was thinking something deeply..... Next day he went to the hospital and ask khushboo to came here after college..... She exactly do the same...... When she reached she sits in his cabin and rayan says khushboo give your hand she gives and he says.... I m taking your blood sample..... Why? Bcz I m doing some test of yours..... Rayan but I m perfectly fine..... I know u r khushboo but this is routine check up..... Ok says khushboo..... It will hurt? No it will not hurt...... He takes the blood sample than he says..... One lady Dr will come and check you..... But rayan..... No but and if..... Just than a lady Dr came...... And says hello...... Hello says khushboo..... Than rayan says..... Check her properly and don't give her pain...... She nobbled her head in yes...... Then  Dr check khushboo properly.....
after check up rayan says Dr u can go..... When she went out he says did feel any pain when she was checking u? Yes..... Ok khushboo now come let's hv our lunch they both do lunch together than khushboo says I m getting late now I shall leave..... Ok princess he kissed her forehead and than she goes from there...... At evening Mason came in rayan cabin and says r u out of your mind rayan..... What happened dad? What happen u r asking me what has happened? U tested khushboo Virginity test r u in your senses...... Yes dad but how do u? I m the owner of the hospital Dr rayan khan I know everything...... Just than adil came and says..... Rayan and he sees Mason...... Adil says Mason..... Adil came and says Mason did you know what your son has done?

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