
"Well I mean...Well I...it's no secret that I still like you."

"It's not?"

"I was so jealous when you started to date that guy. I hated seeing him with his hands on you. Then I heard he bought you a flat in the village and I was bloody livid."

"He bought for himself. Not me. I barely ever went there."

"Oh. Well I was jealous. He had you and I didn't. And now you are with Malfoy?"

"Yes I am."

"You like him?" He twiddled with his hands. This was clearly not what he wanted to hear but you did not want to lead him on.

"I really really do."

"And you look happy. I saw you in Hogsmeade earlier."

"You did?" I blushed at this.

"You look happy. I am glad. You deserve happiness."

"As do you and I am sure you will find it."

"I hope so."

The doors opened then and Luna stepped out with Pansy offering to go next. Dean and I both walked towards the group as Draco stood up. I walked straight up to him, smiling and he wrapped and arm around me.

"Look after her, she is the best."

"Oh I know she is. And I will. Thanks mate," he held out his hand as Dean smiled and shook it.

On and on each member of the group went until finally Blaise, the last of the group went in. When they were finished Professor McGonagall called us all back in. Instead of sitting this time I stood behind Theo's chair. Draco stood to my left and Luna to my right.

"Now firstly thank you all for coming forward to speak on Miss Matthews behalf. You have been a great help to her case. And to those of you who brought us new evidence that we had never heard before - it has been taken in account as well."

Kingsley stood up and made his way around the desk. "Yes this is evidence that we can't ignore. Thank you to Hermione, Theo, Dean and Luna for their memories and to the rest of you for character references and helping us get an idea to the kind of girl that Miss Matthews is. I will ask that you do speak of this to anyone else. We do not want to give the papers or defense any fuel for their case."


"Yes as soon as Mr Nott submitted his papers, someone let it slip to the papers and there has been a counter appeal made."

"By who?"

"I am unsure as it was only filed this afternoon. I have not allowed it to go through yet as I haven't seen it. But with this new evidence there isn't much to go on so I am not worried. Now I have to head back. I meant what I said. Please do not talk about the appeal or about Miss Matthews to anyone outside of this group. I will be in touch."

He smiled once more catching my eye and looking very guilty. Then he stepped through the fireplace and was gone.

The room seemed to let go of a sigh that everyone was holding in. Draco wrapped an arm around you as Luna bent to give Theo a hug.

"You ok doll?" Draco whispers.

"I just want to go back to the dorm."

"Professor, do you need us for anything else? I think it's been quite an emotional day for some."

"Oh yes of course, Mr Malfoy. It's almost curfew so you should all head to bed. I shall see you at breakfast."

I leant my head on Draco's shoulder as we headed out. Dean and Luna first, then Theo who was still being comforted by Pansy and Blaise. Hermione was looking a little lost so I held out my hand for her to take.

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