Chapter 40: Epilogue

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"J.A.R.V.I.S.!" Tony called entering his home.

"Welcome home, sir," J.A.R.V.I.S. replied, but something seemed to be wrong with him, and his voice distorted oddly on the sir.

 replied, but something seemed to be wrong with him, and his voice distorted oddly on the sir

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Tony walked forward a step or two, and halted. Behind the couch, in the shadows of the room, stood a tall figure wrapped in something dark. Scarlet was stood near the couch with her three dragons; Drogon was on her shoulder, Rhaegal and Viserion was on her arms.

 Scarlet was stood near the couch with her three dragons; Drogon was on her shoulder, Rhaegal and Viserion was on her arms

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"I am Iron Man," Director Fury spoke. "You think you're the only superhero in the world?" The shadowed form of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D turned to the large window. "Mr. Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe. You just don't know it yet."

"Who the hell are you?" Tony asked

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"Who the hell are you?" Tony asked.

"Who the hell are you?" Tony asked

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"Tony. This is..." Scarlet began and then allowed her superior to take over. "My boss."

The stranger came forward into the lamplight, which gleamed on a long black trench coat and a black eye patch. "Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D," he said.

D," he said

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"Huh." Tony grunted and gave a sharp nod.

"I'm here," Nick Fury told him. "to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative."


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