What is Eugene's backstory? What was his past before he met Rapunzel? How was Rapunzel's childhood while she was growing up? What if Gothel hadn't run into Max in the forest? What if she never found out that Rapunzel had left the tower and what if s...
[Another couple of weeks had passed and Rapunzel's nineteenth birthday had arrived. Varian had attacked them with his automatons as a distraction and had kidnapped Queen Arianna] *Pretend the other princesses and princes were there as well*
(Rapunzel and her father saved the queen but Varian was still not finished with his revenge) {With Rapunzel and her parents} *Pretend her other friends were there as well*
(She turned around) Rapunzel: This is it, you guys, a new adventure awaits us Snow White: We should celebrate your nineteenth birthday before you go, Rapunzie Cinderella: Yeah, this could be your going away on a new adventure slash birthday party. The name's a bit long but whatever (Rapunzel laughs) Rapunzel: I'd love to celebrate my birthday party with my best friends before I leave Aurora: Then what are we waiting for, let's get back to the palace and have a great time (Everyone goes back to the palace to get ready for Rapunzel's birthday party) {Back at the castle} [Everyone bathes and dressed up for Rapunzel's small going away birthday party. They have a simple celebration between Rapunzel's family members and best friends. She had even made a new friend, and her name was Princess Moana of Motunui. They cut her cake and give her even more gifts. She even got a cute little pet piglet from her aunt Willow and Rapunzel dressed her up and named her Truffles
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All of their friends helped Rapunzel, Eugene, Lance, Hook foot, Cassandra, and Shorty pack for their new adventure. The gang had gotten a caravan and by the early afternoon, everyone had all of their necessities and supplies inside of it. Rapunzel was, of course, bringing all of her cute little animal friends since she didn't want to leave anyone behind. After Rapunzel said goodbye to her family and other best friends, she got into the caravan with her other friends and that's when their new adventures outside of Corona would begin] <a week later> *Pretend all of her other animal friends were there beside her too*
[Rapunzel walked in on Eugene practicing his wedding proposal to her and things only got more awkward. As they got to Vardaros, The Baron and his accomplices kidnapped Eugene, poisoned Lance, and made Eugene announce to everyone that he would marry Stalyan, which made Rapunzel heartbroken, sad, and confused] {With Rapunzel}
[Eventually, Rapunzel and the others crashed the wedding with Vex's help, however, they did have to pay her] *Pretend that Rapunzel's other animal friends were there fighting beside the gang*
[After that fight, everyone got back to the caravan and stayed in Vardaros for another week or so. During that week, Rapunzel and her friends drove out The Baron's accomplices and other criminals and had them arrested. They sent word to the guards in Corona, Rapunzel, and her friends went on and soon the guards came to pick up the criminals]