Chapter 12: The New Life

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[Queen Leah, King Stephan, King Hubert, and Prince Phillip had left that night as well but Aurora had stayed. She decided to stay there for two weeks and she began to teach Rapunzel French, and she continued to teach her more about foraging for edible, and non-edible berries in the forest, and different wild spices and leaves. While Rapunzel taught her German and continued to teach her more and more about art. After those two weeks passed, Aurora went home making each other sad since they had indeed become inseparable best friends. Rapunzel began her other lessons and she learned various subjects. She had science, math, reading, anatomy, history, and princess lessons. Eugene just had history and etiquette lessons. However, they were both being trained to become the next King and Queen. Rapunzel had gotten a new handmaiden named Cassandra and after the contest of the crowns, they had become really good friends, but in Rapunzel's heart, Pascal, Eugene, Aurora, Max, and her other animal friends would always be her best friends. Cassandra became really good friends with the other princesses as well. After another two months, Ariel and Eric had gotten married and her bridesmaids were Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Pocahontas' best friend, Nakoma, Mulan, Tiana, Charlotte, Merida, Rapunzel, and Anastasia. Her maid of honor was Belle, Eric's groomsmen were the other guys, and John Smith's other best friend, Thomas, and John was his best man.

The next month, Mulan and Shang had finally gotten married

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The next month, Mulan and Shang had finally gotten married

Mulan's maid of honor was Tiana and the girls were her bridesmaids while Shang's best man was Phillip and the other guys were his groomsmen

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Mulan's maid of honor was Tiana and the girls were her bridesmaids while Shang's best man was Phillip and the other guys were his groomsmen. Three more months had passed and Rapunzel was about to be done with all of her lessons since she was an extremely fast learner]
{With Rapunzel}
Tutor: So, last question, what are our imports from our nearby neighbors, what are our exports, and what are all of our nearby kingdoms?
Rapunzel: We trade with France, Norway, Italy, China, Scotland, India, Australia, Japan, and Alaska. We get wheat, sugar, wine, beef, cotton, vegetables, oil, coal, and feldspar from France. We get fish, ice, iron, copper, and titanium from Norway. We get olive oil, coffee, pistachios, wine, cheese, pasta, tomatoes, mushrooms, asparagus, condiments, seasonings, mustard, cuttlefish, squid, octopus, tuna, and turkey or prosciutto, leather, pearls, pink opals, and turquoise from Italy. Our main exports are almonds, walnuts, pecans, salmon, cod, diamonds, gold, soybeans, beer, pork, condiments, chocolate, bimberries, dimberries, and boysenberries. We get silk, jade, rice, sapphires, diamonds, garnets, opals, peridots, gold, tea, and wool from China. We get whisky, scotch, fish, yak, boar, timber, rubies, topaz, tourmaline, zircon, and willow bark from Scotland. We get silk, spices, tea, coffee, iron, steel, sapphires, moonstones, aquamarines, sunstones, granite, marble, sandstone, limestone, slate, quartzite, Mentha Oil, Peppermint Oil, Sweet Basil Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Citronella oil from India. We get merino wool, kumquats, coal, gold, wheat, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, opals, pearls, diamonds, jade, beef, barley, lavender oils, eucalyptus Australian oil, blue cypress oil, lemon myrtle, tea tree oils, porcelain, and porcelain dolls from Australia. We get beef, pork, rice, hay, wheat, quartz, and jade from Japan. We get salmon, crab, cod, wood, coal, pollock, potatoes, pacific halibut, gold, and jade from Alaska. Our nearby kingdoms are Equis, Pincosta, Ravenberg, Doveberg, Autumnhaven, France, Sunhaven, France, Villeneuve, France, Koto, Italy, Seahaven, Italy, Glowerhaven, Italy, Agrabah, India, DunBroch, Scotland, Arendelle, Norway, Nerserdnia, Australia, Bayangor, Japan, Galcrest, Alaska, Pittsford, Russia, and Ingvarr, Russia
Tutor: Perfect, you are done, your highness, great job
Rapunzel: Thank you, may I be excused?
Tutor: You may
(Rapunzel leaves)
{With Eugene}
Eugene: Done?
Rapunzel: Finally, let's go riding, let's do something together
Eugene: I couldn't have said it better myself, your coronation is only a week away, and you'll be busy for the rest of the day
Rapunzel: Tell me about it
[They leave together, Eugene on Max, and Rapunzel on Fidella, but the guards go after them to keep an eye out on them making them laugh, and they ride faster up to the wall. After they get there, they stay up on top of the wall for a minute or so. They ride back as they dare the guards to race making them sigh in tiredness]
{With Rapunzel and Eugene}

[That night, Rapunzel couldn't say yes to Eugene's wedding proposal and raced out of the throne room. A few hours later, Cassandra sneaks out Rapunzel so she could have a little bit of freedom through a secret passage. Rapunzel's blonde hair comes back after she touches some mysterious black rocks, and that's when the real adventure begins]
{In Rapunzel's bedroom}
<in the morning>
*Pretend that Rapunzel's other animal friends were there as well*

[Cassandra and Eugene help her hide her hair in a white wig and then Rapunzel meets up with her parents in the outdoor kiosk. During her coronation, Lady Caine and her accomplices attack them and the guests but Rapunzel, Eugene, Cassandra, and the other princesses and princes help them out and fight alongside them. Eventually, Lady Caine is arrested alongside her accomplices. Cassandra begged Rapunzel not to tell anyone else but that didn't sit too well with her. Rapunzel decided that she couldn't keep it a secret from Aurora or the other princesses since Aurora was her best friend and like a sister to her, which included the other princesses, and that didn't make Cassandra very happy]
*Pretend that Rapunzel's other animal friends were there as well*

[A couple of months later, Eugene had reunited with his long-lost best childhood friend, Lance, and like Eugene, he decided to change his stealing ways as well and remained in Corona. More time passed and after the terrible snowstorm that hit Corona, after the defeat of Mrs.Sugarby, and after Rapunzel was free from her painter's block, she met another little animal friend but this time it was a beautiful little male peacock. Rapunzel adopted him, dressed him up a little, and named him Sundrop

Her parents, Eugene, Cassandra, and the rest of the palace staff weren't surprised since they knew how much Rapunzel loved animals

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Her parents, Eugene, Cassandra, and the rest of the palace staff weren't surprised since they knew how much Rapunzel loved animals. She now had Summer, Daisy, Gleam, and Sundrop, not to mention Pascal, Max, and Fidella. Varian was still missing, Rapunzel kept having nightmares about the black rocks and Varian, and it seemed like things were only going to get tougher for her and all of Corona]

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