What is Eugene's backstory? What was his past before he met Rapunzel? How was Rapunzel's childhood while she was growing up? What if Gothel hadn't run into Max in the forest? What if she never found out that Rapunzel had left the tower and what if s...
The next day [Rapunzel did the same schedule as before and had breakfast with her girlfriends. They had, again, a few scrambled eggs, a little bit of bacon, this time they had two pancakes, Rapunzel had butter and dulce de leche on hers, and a cup of hot chocolate milk. As they did the same schedule and exercised, they shared each other's backstories, what had happened to them recently, and they shared a bit about one another to get to know each other better. Rapunzel and Aurora ended up having a lot in common, they both were dreamers at heart, they both were strong-spirited, they both loved to sing and dance, again they both liked to be barefooted, and again they both connected over their upbringing. After they were done exercising, they all went riding on their horses, Rapunzel on her horse, Fidella. After riding throughout the village without stopping and around the castle, they stop and start showing each other's skills. First, Mulan, Merida, and Jasmine show them their fighting skills and they all learn some moves pretty quickly since they were all fast learners. Jasmine also shows them the different styles of dancing in Agrabah, and they all dance ballet for a while as well. After a long while, they each go take a bath and then come back to Rapunzel's bedroom. Both Snow White and Cinderella share other organization and cleaning skills with the others, they have dinner in Rapunzel's bedroom and as they're having dinner, Snow, Cinderella, and Merida show them different sewing skills, Tiana, Snow, and Rapunzel trade recipes with the others, Belle and Ariel share their favorite books with them, both Aurora and Pocahontas show them how to recognize and forage for edible and non-edible berries, different wild spices, how to watch out for dangerous animals, poison ivy, and quicksand. Rapunzel showed them different painting ways, skills, styles, and supplies. Eugene and the other guys also became really good friends, they got to know each other well, and they all hung out all day together. Eugene and Aladdin had become basically best friends and even Pascal had become friends with all of the other princesses' pets] *Snow White*
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