☾Chapter One☽

Start from the beginning

My father smirks. "Titus will get what's coming to him."

I walk towards his office door, a small smile playing on my face. "We put our plan in motion once Jared replies. I already have a situation in mind." I say strongly, "all you have to do is get the moon dust back before anyone is severely injured."

I walk out of my father's office before he has time to reply. Releasing a breath, I think about what I have to do.

Distract Titus Sterling, the alpha of The Cherokee Pack, and give my father time to steal back the moon dust.

This is going to be easy!


I open the door to the mildly populated bar before scanning the building.

My target is sitting at the bar, drinking what seems to be vodka.

Slowly and steadily, I walk towards him, my fingers fidgeting with the hem of my lace black dress.

"Titus Sterling," I say as I take a seat beside him. His muscular figure stiffens before slowly turning towards me.

He smirks. "Vladimira Volchinov," He says before pausing, "what are you doing here?"

I shrug my shoulders before waving over the bartender. Titus watches me carefully as I order a drink.

Taking a swig of the tangy liquid, I finally reply to Titus. "My father and I aren't on the best of terms. If he finds out we're together, he'll be pissed," I say maliciously.

Titus searches my face for a lie.

Well, Titus, you won't find one. I've been practicing this too long to just fail now. Plus, I'm The Luna Queen, I have a pack to assist my father with and an image to keep up.

Titus nods slowly, his sharp jaw tightening. His dark brown eyes search mine before he swallows another gulp of his drink.

"Stop trying to play coy, Vladimiria. You know I stole your father's precious moon dust," He says with a roll of his eyes.

I narrow my dark blue eyes on him, feigning rage. "The moon dust is my father's problem, not mine. I thought you would be thrilled to push Dmitri's buttons."

Titus runs a hand through his hair, making his glorious muscles stretch and flex.

Unconsciously, I stare at his arms, tempted to pull him to me and kiss him.

'Snap out of it, Mira. We're here to complete a mission, not get f*cked.' Greer growls.

I clear my throat before rubbing my hands on my dress.

Focus on the mission, Mira... Focus on disturbing Titus.


As the night goes on, Titus and I get more comfortable with each.

Short, sarcastic remarks to turn into flirting and teasing, and hard stares turn into soft glances with occasional blushes.

My phone buzzes, completely ruining the good laugh Titus and I are having.

I pull my phone out of my purse to see I have a text from my father.

'Took me three hours, but I have the dust.' The text reads. I force myself to frown even though I want to smile.

"It's my father, he wants me to come home," I say with as much venom as I can muster.

Titus releases a sigh, making it sound like he is actually disappointed that I am leaving.

A small tug resigns in my heart, wanting me closer to Titus.

He's the enemy, I think bitterly.

"You should get going," Titus says as he sets money down on the bar under his cup.

He reaches out his hand to help me stand up, his eyes staring into mine, sometimes flickering to my lips.

I nod hesitantly before gripping Titus's outstretched hand and standing up. "I guess I should," I say before slowly treading towards the door.

"Vladimira, wait!" Titus yells. I turn to see him jogging towards me.

"Yes, Ti-" I gasp as Titus's lips smash onto mine, his large arms wrapping around my small body.

Much to my dismay, I kiss back passionately, finding that Titus is the crème de la crème of all kissers.

Well, when you've been alive for as long as he has, I guess you do have an aptitude for situations such as these.

My mind slowly registers what's happening, but when I fully understand, I push Titus away angrily.

He's the enemy, snap out of it, Vlad!

"We can't do this. I'll mortify my pack and my father," I say properly as I smooth out my dress.

Titus laughs. "Do you think I do everything to ensure my pack's well-being?" He asks.

I don't reply, instead, I turn around and walk out the door. Sadly, footsteps sound behind me.

I stop abruptly. "All you want is sex, Titus. That back there was nothing, we just happened to overlook our temperament for each other for a short moment," I say truthfully.

An unknown emotion shimmers in his eyes before disappearing as fast as it came.

I won't lie, Titus is a good looking man. With his dark brown hair, gray eyes, sharp jaw, mild stubble, tall, burly figure, it's easy for any woman to fall for him. Not to mention that he is an alpha and pulchritude comes to him naturally.

When Titus doesn't reply, I simply turn around and unlock my car.

Titus growls before turning me around forcefully, his lips smash down on mine harshly.

"I don't like being denied, Vladimira," He growls after he parts from me. I gasp before shaking his hands off my shoulders.

"You have no right!" I yell angrily before yanking open my car door.

Titus rolls his eyes. "Have some fun, Vladimira," He whispers as his arms wrap around my waist and his lips find my neck.

I grip the door to my car as his lips maneuver around my skin, licking and biting on certain places.

I decide something right then and there.

Titus just might be the best lover I've ever had. We aren't even in bed!

"We can't do this..." I breathe out as I tilt my head to the side. Titus chuckles, his hand pushing my dress up my thigh slowly.

I once again try to deny the pleasure that Titus's full, plump lips are bringing me, once again, I fail.

"Is that a yes or no, Vladimira?" He says my name in a way that has my legs turning to jelly.

My wolf's abhorrence suddenly consumes me, making me faintly ashamed of myself, but what makes me even more ashamed of myself is my reply.


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