01 || Click & Meet

13 3 0

The spring was on it's brink in the kingdom of Hues. Flora was initially a resident of Milora. But she was here to travel around the beautiful country,which was often called on as a kingdom because the country was ruled by a king.

Many would think that people wouldn't have rights in this country as compared to the Democratic ones. But the case was exactly the opposite. Hues was so much more beautiful,lively and peaceful. People had all the rights,unlike Democratic countries where the freedoms and rights were just mentioned in a document.

She was sitting in a taxi, on her way to the  National Cutural Museum of Hues. She looked around from the windows to get the glamorous view of the place. The exterior of all the buildings around the country was old-style. But it looked so Royal and classy. To the contrary, the interior was as modern as it could. This just added on the checklist as to why this country is indeed the most developed and powerful one.

She felt the taxi stopping outside the parking lot of the meuseum. She checked the billing meter and handed in 47$ to the driver, thanked him and made her way inside the meuseum. Impressive, just like the other things in the country.

The museum was a massive building, which was primitive but glorious. She went around the safety check of the building, when nothing was found to be wrong, she was allowed to enter.

The place was especially made for foreigners, to get a glimpse of the cultural history of the nation. One would get details on the origin of the kingdom, the earlier ruling Kings, and the life of the people.

Various things from over million years backs were lined down gracefully. From the past Queen's necklace to the Ex-King's ornaments, all were neatly displayed.

But a certain miniature crystal building caught her attention the most. It was a palace which was passed on as a gift at the coronation ceremony. It was a ritual that was being carried on for hundreds of years.

She wanted to click a picture of it so bad and send it to her best friend, who she knew would love this. So, she looked right,then left and when the coast was clear,she took her phone out, opened the camera and clicked a picture as discreetly as possible.

But it seems as  if her actions were not so discreet as she thought them to be.

"Excuse me, dear lady" she heard a voice from behind. And she would be lying if she said that the voice didn't did something unusual to her heart. It was a honey drooping sound. But it wasn't the time for her to be awing over the man's voice, because she was most likely in trouble.

So she looked up to meet the eyes of the person, over whose voice she was already crushing over. But regretted as soon as she did so. Because she caught the attention of non other than the King of the Country she was Currently in.

"It's a beautiful view and I know you might want to capture it, but it's forbidden to click picture inside the premises for security purposes. I admire your appreciation, but I would like for you to delete that picture from your mobile phone. Is that alright, dear one?"

Well her mind was a mix of emotions. She wasn't sure whether she should be guilty, sad or awestruck by the handsome creature in front of her. And that led her to just look down and mumble a small sorry under her breath.

'Will she be going to jail now?'

That thought was enough to make her feel even more sacred than she already was in the presence of the mighty king.

The royal man took a step towards her, only for her to take one back.

"I really didn't knew I wasn't allowed to. I'm really sorry. I'll just delete it" she said in a hurried manner with a nervous voice.

"I didn't meant to scare you. I just wanted to make sure that you delete the photograph and don't click more of it." He said clearly sensing her distress.

That gave her a bit of hope as she looked up into his eyes. And her mind was again enchanted by the male's beauty. She wasn't sure if it was considered disrespectful to look into the king's eyes. But she hoped for negative. And she wasn't entirely sure as to how she should address him, so she just kept her mouth shut and gave a slight nod.

He forwarded his hand and asked for her mobile phone. She quickly gave it away. He returned it back after carefully checking in the recently deleted column.

And she was again worked up as she stood there and waited for what was to come next. She felt two sepnder fingers of his  veiny hand touch her chin, making her looks into those chocolatey brown doe orbs.

"Oh, I didn't meant to scare you, darling. You did nothing wrong. I was just informing you of the rules around here. How about I get you dinner? I would feel guilty If I don't."

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