Chapter 30: Epilogue

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September 5, 1987 - New York

"You need to put me back under!" Scarlet screamed, "Why aren't you following what I say!"

"Scarlet! Calm down and stop yelling, you are going to short out every electronic in a one mile area if you don't stop." Howard told her holding her shoulders.

"I can't trust my brain! I see him... I feel him." Scarlet told him falling to the ground grabbing her head, "I can't Howard! I can't live like this."

"Scarlet, calm down." Ghost Bucky told her.

"SHUT UP BUCKY! You aren't real!" Scarlet yelled back.

"Scarlet, it's just the part of your brain that controls your memories is... essentially on fire. It's hard wired itself to your optical lobe. You are seeing your memories." Dr. Reinstein told her.

"But it felt real!" Scarlet groaned pulling at her hair, "He is right there next to you."

"Stop, stop Scarlet!" Howard yelled grabbing her hands.

"Put me back under, please!" Scarlet begged.

Howard looked at her sadly, "Is this really what you want?"

Tears fell from her face, "Yes... I... I can't live without him. This is just torture." Scarlet told him, "I close my eyes and he is there. I open my eyes now, and he is there. It felt so real. I haven't slept in four days Howard... I can't do this."

Howard sighed, "Okay... if it's what you really want."

Scarlet nodded, "Yes."

Howard looked at Dr. Reinstein, "Can we do it again?"

Dr. Reinstein nodded sadly, "I don't want to though. Scarlet, do you realize that when you go under again... I'm 84 years old. I will teach Howard how to operate this but... I will probably be gone by the time we wake you again. If we can."

"I understand. Thank you Dr. Reinstein. Howard, don't wake me unless you find a way to reverse this." Scarlet told him.

"Scarlet, I don't think that's possible." Howard told her.

"Then it's not, but promise me." Scarlet told him.

Howard sighed and leaned forward kissing her forehead, "I promise."

Dr. Reinstein laid her back on the table then went to get the IVs. He prepped her hand then looked at her, "Final chance."

"I don't trust my head... do it." Scarlet told him, "Please."

Dr. Reinstein put the needle into her vein then turned the IV on. Scarlet breathed slow as they raised the pod and started the freezing process. "Sleep well little Phoenix."

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