Chapter 27

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July 21, 1987 - Murmansk, Soviet Union

Scarlet sat in a park in Murmanski, a city in the Northwestern edge of the Soviet Union, observing a group of women that she suspected during her stakeouts of being in the trafficking ring that was a feeder to the Red Room.

A man walked up to one of the girls and spoke to her, then grabbed the woman's arm, dragging her away as the other woman hit and tried to pull her friend away from the man.

Scarlet stood up, gauging the situation and whether to jump in. Following them into an alley, she knew enough Russian to know that the situation was escalating quickly and the man did not have good intentions as he knocked the friend over and she fell, hitting her head then did not move.

"Hey!" Scarlet yelled.

"Obratite vnimaniye na svoyu biznes-ledi!" The man yelled as he put his hand on the girl's neck. [Translation: Pay attention to your business lady.]

Scarlet ran at him, jumped and kicked at the man's body causing him to release the woman. The man turned around and grabbed Scarlet's neck, lifting her off the ground.

Scarlet grabbed at the man's arm and kicked at him, trying to get him to release her. Attempting to pull energy from the sign at the corner, she tried to shock him but was unsuccessful, when he did not drop her. Suddenly the man was lifted off the ground and thrown against a dumpster.

Gasping for air as she coughed, Scarlet looked at her savior through watery eyes. He had long blonde hair, was muscular and wore clothing from the 1960s. He definitely appeared that he was in the wrong place.

"The lady obviously was not interested in your affections, I see that you need to leave her alone." His voice boomed.

The man stood up and realized he was no match, then took off.

Her savior walked over to her and held out his hand. Taking it, she flew into his chest as he pulled her up.

"God you are strong." Scarlet rasped.

"As are you, are you one of these so called, 'enhanced' individuals? I saw power flow through your hands." The man asked.

"Not enough to do anything. Are you? Is that how you are so strong?" Scarlet asked him.

The man grinned, "No for I am Thor, son of Odin. The prince of Asgard. Here to Midgard on a quest."

Scarlet looked at him, "You are joking right? Thor? God of Thunder? I think the oxygen was depleted from my brain more than I thought."

Thor put his hand out and something flew to it, "I do not joke."

"That's... a real hammer. My god, you are real." Ellie said in shock.

"Yes, I believe I am." Thor said as he held it out for her to look at.

"What is this quest?" Scarlet asked as she ran her finger over the cool metal. "I am Scarlet Silverthorne-Blake-Barnes, by the way."

"Hello Lady Scarlet." Thor said, "My quest is to find an item my father hid here on Midgard, long ago believing it to be safe but our gatekeeper, Heimdall... no longer senses it. So I am on a quest to find it."

"Can I buy you dinner to thank you?" Scarlet asked, "or do you not have to eat?"

"I would be glad to have sustenance, Lady Scarlet." Thor said.

They walked to a local restaurant and sat down.

"Are you the only... Asgardian here?" Scarlet asked after they ordered food.

"No, there are others but I am the only royal Asgardian. My father trusted me on this mission." Thor said, "Are you the only... one here of your family?"

" parents both died long ago, my brother Gabriel and my husband Bucky as well. It's just me." Scarlet told her with a sad smile. "I...I am special in a way that a special place in the fact that I am really 68 years old. Things happened and now I am here. Just trying to re...reinvent myself I guess."

"Fortunes will smile on you again, Lady Scarlet." Thor said, "I believe things will be looking up for you soon. You are destined for greatness."

"Not sure about that but I appreciate the thoughts. I am still trying to figure out my place here."

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