“I hate dresses.”

“And yet I have seen you in three since you met Niall.” I winked “Besides he cant take his eyes off of you when you wear dresses.”

“Harry can take his eyes off of you no matter what.”

“Oh stop.” I blushed.

“Why have you been wearing you hair down? I didn’t even put it up in practice just braided it to the side” Sam asked and I blushed even harder.

“No reason, common lets go its almost five.” I said dragging Sam out of the house to my car.

“He didn’t…” Sam gasped. I nodded slowly.

“So are you getting your cloths when we got to your place?” I asked changing the subject.

“Yeup.” She said popping the P

We reached Sam’s house and the two of us hopped out heading into the house. Harry and Niall were sitting on the couch in the small living room talking when Sam and I walked in. both Harry and Niall stood up when they saw us. Sam excused herself to grab and extra pair of cloths.

“You look gorgeous.” Harry stated taking a hold of my waist and pulling me closer to him placing a kiss on my cheek.

“Ok ready to go?” Sam said coming out of her room

“Ready as ever.” Niall said putting his arm around and heading Sam out the door with Harry and I following behind.

Harry was wearing I simple pair of black dress shoes, a white dress shirt was tucked into a pair of black pants and a simple grey blazer made the look more dressy. Niall had a pair white shoes, dark grey pants, his black top was un-tucked and a navy blue blazer pulled the look together, although Niall’s look as more relaxed it still looked good.

We hoped in my car Harry taking the drivers side with me in the passengers and Sam and Niall in the back. We drove out of the town into the next town over about forty-five minutes away from where Sam and I lived. We pulled into a nice restraint.

“When did you have time to find this?” Sam asked while Niall helped her out of the car.

“We had to do something while you were in school yesterday.” Niall smiled taking her hand in his.

The four of us walked into the restaurant “reservation for Styles.” Harry said to the hostess.

“Right this way.” She smiled, she had to be around eight-teen and clearly had no interest in the two boys standing before her as she took no more than one glance at them before leading us to our table and handing our menus. Niall and Sam sat across form Harry and I Sam sitting right across from me and Niall across from Harry.

I looked over at Sam who smiled at me “This is really amazing.” I said outing my hand on Harry’s knee Harry jumped a little but not enough for Sam of Niall to notice, not that they would the two of then were in a deep conversation Harry and I could be shouting and they wouldn’t even notice. It was cute though; the way Niall looked so content when he talked to Sam and how he never left her gaze and the smile that never left Sam’s face when he looked at her, now that was true love.

“They are so in love.” Harry whispered in my ear when he noticed I had been looking over at the two of them. “You know I want that. I want to be able to look at someone and call them mine to just be able to feel so at home by just looking at her, I want to have a relationship like Danielle and Liam or Louis and Eleanor or Niall and Sam heck even Zayn and Parrie.” Harry sighed.

“Look, its just for a little while.” I said lacing my fingers with his when the Waitress came to take our orders.

“Ok so now you two go change.” Niall said once we reached an activities hall, this place had loads of things, it had a gym, a pool, basketball and volleyball courts and so much more. I racked my brain while I went into a bathroom stall to change into my casual cloths, it couldn’t have been one of those things because we weren’t tolled to bring gym cloths of a bathing suit I had to be something  else in the building. I opened the stall door walking out not bothering the wait for Sam. I had a pair of while skinny jeans with a blue long-sleeved superman shirt. Both Harry and Niall were standing in the same spot we left them. They hadn’t changed but just took their blazers off, I guess that’s why their look was more casual. After a while Sam had finally emerged from the bathroom wearing I pair of black skinny jeans and a black oversized sweatshirt with the letter L on the front.

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