Chapter 14

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The city was as beautiful as Scarlet remembered it. The noise, the smell and bustle of people were all familiar and inviting. It was almost therapeutic to listen to car horns and sound of people yelling to each other. If she didn't think too much about it, she could imagine herself walking home from a shift at the diner.

She floated down the streets, towards the address Colonel Phillips had given her, absorbing as much as she could. She was home. After being away for 3 years, she had made it back in her beloved city.

The city Steve had saved...

She found the building the SSR had taken as a cover, and entered somewhat confidently. She had a fair idea of where she was going and who she was supposed to talk to.

"Rose will let you in," Colonel Phillips had explained. "Just tell her your name."

Scarlet took the elevator to the floor, walked down the line of telephone operators until she reached the end where another elevator was located.

"How can I help you?" A kind looking woman asked, looking up at Scarlet.

"Are you Rose?"

"I sure am. You mind telling me who you are?"

"I'm Anastasia-"

"Silverthorne-Blake-Barnes," she took a moment to stare at Red, before nodding. "You're Scarlet. Colonel Phillips told me you would be coming. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Scarlet put on a smile. "Likewise."

"I'm going to warn you, there's a lot happening right now."

"I lived in an active war base. I'll be fine."

Rose nodded and pushed a lever, causing the doors to slide open.

Scarlet stepped into the elevator and rode it down until the doors opened into the office.

"What are you, the new secretary?" A man asked when she entered the bullpen.

"Why do you ask? Did the last one quit? I can hardly imagine why."

"What's your name, doll?" Another man asked with a chuckle.

Scarlet bristled at the pet name, and turned to look at the man who was leaning back in his chair with his feet on his desk. "Lieutenant Colonel Silverthorne-Blake-Barnes."


Scarlet turned again to see Agent Thompson walking towards her. "Agent Thompson." She felt herself smile genuinely at him and relax slightly.

"Whoa, whoa. Scarlet Huntington-Montgomery-Blake-Barnes?" The man pulled his feet off the desk and sat up. "You're Scarlet Silverthorne-Blake-Barnes? As in Red Angel?"

"That would be me, yes."

"I didn't realize you'd be coming in today," Jack said, drawing Scarlet's focus back to him.

"I'm sorry. I just landed a few days ago and have been laying low at my hotel." She looked around the office, "is Peggy around?"

Thompson glanced at the conference room, and Scarlet followed his gaze. Peggy was in there with a man, looking agitated.

"Is everything okay?"

"Not exactly. But don't worry about that. Come on, I'll introduce you to the chief." He began to lead her through the line of desks, cutting through agents.

"Chief Dooley," Peggy came out of the room, and Jack stopped abruptly, a few feet from the man Peggy had gone to. "Chief Dooley, I'd like to make a confession."

In Another Life | Sergeant James 'Bucky' Barnes / The Winter Soldier + Ikarisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن