34. Raisin Of Flowers

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I was visibly upset, but I didn't care. Finding out that the police department was suspicious of Allie being a part of my missing case, Kenneth's disappearance and a few others infuriated me! I wanted to knock some sense into them and the fact that I am more than capable of doing so made things worse!

"Baze," Alyx called me softly. I nodded in his direction, but kept my eyes on the back of Sebastian's car in silence. We were heading to their mansion instead of the pack. My anger right now could easily be projected onto that vampire hating shifter he slept with a few months ago.

Closing my eyes, I took deep breaths to calm myself. I can't allow myself to get riled up because every time I did something either exploded into a billion pieces or caught on fire. I was about to be in a room full of vampires, either or would not be good.

Sensing my distress Alyx grabbed my hand, the other steering us into the circular driveway.

My thoughts went to the man that stared at his almost naked body. The heartbreak in his eyes were there, him seeing his own body be emptied and thrown carelessly in the woods as a plan of some sorts clearly broke his heart. He was a pretty average sized man with short brown hair and sad green eyes that followed the paramedics holding his corpse. It would take them much longer than usual to identify him given that his body was found with little to no reminisces of DNA they could collect in order to do so.

I thought more about it as I followed Alyx to the steel double doors like a zombie, exhaustion beginning to creep up on me.

Once in the emerald mansion, I went to the bathroom to throw cold water on my face to fight the sleepiness that was trying to have it's way. I didn't need to be sleepy, I shouldn't be sleepy!

"Baze, what's going on?" Alyx was blocking my exit, staring at me intensely. Despite looking intimidating his eyes are very worried. "You have been quiet the whole 45 minutes here. Is everything ok?"

I dried my face with a paper towel, "I'm sleepy."

"Let's get some coffee in you and everything should be fine," Piero suggested while making his way past the bathroom. Alyx and I both looked at him and the tray of coffee, tea and mugs he had on it's silver surface.

"Pregnant women can't drink caffeine, " Vivian's brown eyes shined with humor as she smiled at her husband, grabbing a mug from the tray he carried. She reminded me of Annika, my mom. Her dark hair curled in a similar way, the rich hues brought out the warm tones of her fair skin.

I blushed, not knowing they all knew the entire time and chose not to ask me any questions. Surprisingly, Alyx didn't comment on me feeding on that officer named Barbara. I was too angry before to feel guilty for taking another life, but now... I'm regretting it.

"How come you were able to smell the body before either of us could?" Rein asked me, taking a sip of her coffee. Her dark, hooded eyes watched me with curiosity and fascination like she was touring an exhibit.

"I smelled blood at first then... what I imagine mold to smell like," I frowned.

"Your senses are definitely better than ours," Veronica smiled at me.

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