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Orion Pax: Megatronus, wait! [Orion shouted as he ran out of the council building.]

Megatronus: Leave me alone Orion! [Megatronus yelled back, still storming away.]

[Orion ran up to him and stood in front of him, stretching out his arms to prevent him from going around him. Megatronus stopped, glaring at him.]

Orion Pax: Megatronus, why are you mad? [Orion asked with concern.]

Megatronus: Why? Because you're a traitor that's why! [He yelled angrily.]

Orion Pax: What do you mean? I didn't-

Megatronus: Yes you did! I came up with this idea in the first place. I wanted to share my ideas with the High Council and change the fate of my brethren! I wanted the fighting and torture to end!... I wanted freedom. [He was shouting the whole time, but quieted at the last part, barely going above a whisper.]

Orion Pax: I want it too. And now we do, so what troubles you? [Orion asked, still confused.]

[There was a moment of silence, then Megatronus spoke.]

Megatronus: No we don't. Do you think the High Council will give up its old ways? Give up their carefree lives and entertainment just like that? They don't want us to be free, they want to control us, and I'm not just talking about my brethren. They won't stop what their doing, they'll keep things as is... [He mumbled sadly.]

Orion Pax:... Maybe we should give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they will change. And... I don't think they're trying to control us for the sake of power, maybe they think it's best for us. Rules are made for a reason. [Orion reasoned, earning a growl from his friend.]

Megatronus: Do you seriously think that dying in the mines is best for my brethren, or fighting each other? You're just like them, you want to keep things as is so you can live comfy while we all suffer and die! You don't care at all! [Megatronus bellowed, glaring at him.]

[Orion stepped back a bit, he wasn't like the council, he was a kind and caring bot who wants peace for everyone... Right?]

Orion Pax: That's not true. I want what you want, peace. But I don't want a fight or war, there has to be another way.

Megatronus: There is no other way! Tell me, Pax, if you were in the mines for all your life, being tortured, laughed at, miss treated, uncared for... If the only way to get medical treatment, food, and attention was to fight your brethren and risk your life... If you were being used for entertainment and blood lust and watched friends die, either by being crushed to death, starved, tortured, sick, fighting one another, or taking their own life... wouldn't you want it to stop no matter what?

[Orion thought for a moment, he never really thought of it like that before. He wouldn't want such things to continue if he was in a situation like that, where he'd have to fight his fellow bot to survive while others just watched and laughed... If he had to work nonstop in the mines without medical help, or anyone to care for him, or help him... Doing nothing but torturing him and mocking him, he didn't think he'd be able to take it. He'd try and get his voice heard, try and make things change, make bots realize that their sparks matter, and he'd stop at nothing to do so! Even if it meant....]

Orion Pax:... I get it. Your right, it's not fair for you at all. And I won't judge you for your ideas. You've been living in a night terror for so long, you just want it to end, I would too, and I do. But I don't want to fight, I don't want violence... [Orion said sadly, looking down.]

Megatronus:... Then I guess we're enemies... Goodbye Orion Pax. [Megatronus said sadly, walking past him.]

[Orion just stood there, staring at the ground sadly, there had to be another way, there just had to be. Then, an idea came to mind, and it may work! That's... if Megatronus wanted to try it.]

[Orion turned around and called out.]

Orion Pax: Wait! [Megatronus stopped, but didn't turn around. Orion walked forward.] Maybe we could both be Primes, we could both share ideas and make decisions. We could both tell the council, and if they agree, we don't have to fight! [Orion suggested hopefully.]

Megatronus:... And if they don't?

Orion Pax:... Then we do it your way. [Orion replied.]

[Megatronus thought about it. He was tired of fighting, he was tired of torture, ill-treatment, being laughed at, and nobody listening to their cries for help, pain, and agony. What makes Orion think they'd listen now? Still... He didn't want to resort to violence, even if it did seem to be the only way. And if there was even the smallest bit of hope that Orion's idea could work, it couldn't hurt to try.]

Megatronus:... Alright, Orion, we'll try it your way. And I sincerely hope this works. [Megatronus turned around to face his friend.]

[He was holding out his servo for him to shake. He looked at it for a moment, then shook it. They both smiled and nodded in agreement. They both walked together in comfortable silence.]

• • •

[A ship is flying through space, being chased by another ship, they were shooting at each other as they neared a space bridge. After a few moments, the first ship picked up speed and flew through the space bridge, the second going through as well.]

[When they came out, they were in a different galaxy. But soon the two ships were locked in combat again. After a while, they shot each other down, and soon crashed on a planet not too far from where they were.]

[The bots from both ships were knocked out, and would stay in stasis for the next 15 years.]

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