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Warning! this is not any sweet fluff romance.  ok maybe a little?

It was requested by one of you all.

Enjoy....If you can.

Every city is famous for something, Some are famous for its food, some for its cleanliness, but Seoul, It is famous for its seven wonders. Yeah, seven wonders also known as seven angels.

They are not your cute boys, they are the most ruthless cops that are feared by most of gangsters, criminals and underworld smugglers. You can't judge anyone from their cute face, so it is advised not to fall for their cute face.

Currently they are in their house, yeah they live together most of times.

"Tae, Jimin get back here right now!" Jin yelled as the two soulmates were running away stealing his food.

"Come on you three can't sit over here! catch your boyfriends! I want my nuggets back!" He complained to the three who were now looking at each other.

"Hyung, You want us to live right? You know if we tried to stop them-" But Jin cut off hobi's sentence in mid by throwing tantrum making the three sigh.

"Fine!" Jungkook grumbled and turned to see where his boyfriend is.

He was sure if not for Jin hyung's tantrum, he would have just sat there and watched his boyfriend giggling quietly while hiding behind the couch.

He silently got up and tip-toed behind Tae, before the other could turn he scooped him in his arms snuggling closure.

"Aish kookie! you spoiled the fun!" Tae pouted whining but Jungkook just settled on couch with Tae on his lap, while Hobi brought Jimin and settled him on his lap with Yoongi already sleeping on him.

"Joon hyung, your phone is ringing!" Jungkook shouted while playing with Tae who was just giggling non-stop.

"Tae, Kook be quite." They both shut their mouth at Jin's order as they saw Namjoon talking on phone.

They saw how Namjoon's face morphed with frown making them tense.

"Joon, whats the matter?" jin asked softly rubbing Namjoon's back as the latter threw the phone away.

"Some one is dropping threats in department to free the criminals." They all frowned harder at this. They were at home and someone is dropping threats in department.

"Hyung, I just got a message that says they will get the criminals free till evening." Jimin informed as he just got the message.

"Hyung I think we should give a visit to department." Hobi suggested to which every one agreed and went to their room to get dressed.








"Ugh! Doll, I told you many times do not strip in front of me when we are going somewhere, Now the only thought in my mind is to fuck you against the shower wall. " Tae just giggled at Jungkook's words and tightened his belt.

"You can complete your wish when we will come back." He flicked Jungkook's chin and went out leaving the frustrated bunny alone.

"Hyung all ready?" Jungkook asked coming out and spanked Tae butt while asking Namjoon.

"yeah. lets go" They all nodded and entered their car to leave for the department.

"Who do you think it can be?" Yoongi asked stroking hobi's hair who was now on his lap.

"No idea, maybe someone old." Jin hummed listening to Jimin's reply, he also had no idea.

Within the span of 15 minutes they reached the department.

When they reached their, the view was not what they expected, Every one was in hassle running here and there.

Namjoon grabbed someone's arm to ask them what happened.

"Some one planted a bomb in the department!!"

They all frowned listening this.

"Ok if he planted it here then why you all are running here and there? shouldn't you try to search for it and diffuse it?" Tae said confused, well others also thought the same.

"We can't find where it is!" Ok thats the problem.

They were going to search for it when suddenly they heard a ticking sound.


Jungkook said once trying to hear the sound more clearly but no one was ready to be quite so Taehyung repeated again in a loud voice getting everyone's attention.


It was then they heard the ticking sound from under the supervisors desk.

Jin slowly took out that box to see a red box ticking slowly, It was about time when it started ticking rapidly as if they are low on timing.

"Shit!" Hobi kneeled down and opened the box to see lots of wires. He took a cutter and tired to diffuse the Bomb by cutting the wire but no avail.

It was the last wire, now only to options were there. Either the Bomb will stop, or it will explode.

Holding their breath, Hobi slowly tugged the wire and next moment a loud explosion sound was heard.

But where they thought everything would be on fire, it was full of smoke. They all started coughing due to the smoke and one by one they all fainted due to the smoke.

The last thing hobi saw before fainting was someone tugging his hand.







They all slowly opened their eyes, but instead of their department, they all were in an unknown place. Jin got up slowly and saw everyone lying down with half lidded eyes open.

Everyone but Taehyung.


Lets get it!


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