You Care About Me

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Fafnir's red beady eyes stare down the monitor screen, his jaws gritting as he spams his mouse and keyboard keys.

🎉You Won!🎉

His eyes flutter for a moment at his victory before returning to its deadly gaze, feeling satisfied of surpassing yet another level.
However before he could start the next one, he hears a faint click of the front door. He glances at the time—12:05am— as the door swings open and shuts once more with the quiet shuffling of his roommate showing up.

He's late.
Very late.


Fafnir suddenly hears a series of thumps hitting the wooden floor near the entrance of the home. He takes off his headset, scoots his chair back, and gets up to check the front door. Seeing no one at his height, he looks down to the ground, directly in front of his feet.


His roommate pants with a cold sweat whilst laying deadbeat on the ground, taking the moment to collect himself before anything else. He's nearly sweating through his white button down. Takiya quickly throws his glasses on and rises himself onto his knees, his hands never leaving the ground.

"You're late."

"I—I," Takiya stumbles with his words, adjusting his glasses on his face momentarily.

"I think I'm coming down with something,
probably a cold I-I—"

He lets out a tired pant, most likely from running home and rushing in so quickly. He continues to explain himself as he stares at the wooden floor below with Fafnirs shadow looming above, casting itself over him.

"B-But there was no way Kobayashi could finish everything tonight by herself.
So I stayed and helped her."

He hears Fafnir sigh in dismay, but continues his jumble of words.

"I didn't think it take so long if there's the two of us...Buh—By the time we were finished I—


Takiya feels an awkward upward tug from his right arms' bicep. He looks over to see a pale hand with sharp nails and its' counterpart arm that leads up to his roommates face hovering less than a foot away from his own. He nearly falls backwards as Fafnirs other hand slaps itself onto Takiya's forehead— the cool palm pressing against the rising heat.
Fafnir pulls away and wrings his hand from sweat.

Fafnir stares with an odd expression, almost like he is struggling with his mouth that is holding something back. Takiya stares back awkwardly, the shine of his nerdy glasses hiding his curious squint trying decipher Fafnirs face.

"L-Let me help you." Fafnir bluntly blurts.
Takiya shortly gasps, blushes lightly in surprise.

"Wha, Faf-kun—!"

Before he has a word, he's tugged harshly onto his feet and led straight to the back of the apartment where the bathroom awaits.

It all happens so quickly.

Takiya hears the click of a light switch and a creek of knob, the shower tap starting to run in the bathtub. Fafnir quickly takes Takiyas glasses off, unties the blue necktie, and starts to unbutton Takiyas white button down. Takiya stares at his roommates silky black hair that seems glossy under the bathroom lights— how the dragon's long lashes flutter lightly and his red pupils shimmer.
Takiya only takes a moment to take all his other clothes off and gently seat himself inside the bathtub filling with hot water. He stops the tap from running just as the water reaches the top of tub, then he leans back and sighs. He feels the steam going to his head, making him more drowsy than he was before.

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