Kai swallowed. "It's too late," he whispered.

Garmadon rested a hand on his shoulder. "No, it's not," he told him firmly. "I know that none of this is your fault—we all do. You're confused and blinded: the way Lloyd wants you to be. You didn't mean to do any of this, but you have to realize what you're doing before it is too late." He placed his other hand on Kai's other shoulder. "Don't do it, Kai. Don't ruin the rest of your life just to follow these dark lies. Don't lose the people you love, the people that love you."

Kai went silent as he gazed into Garmadon's eyes. For the first time in a while too long to count, he saw that the sensei really did care about him. Breathing shakily, Kai turned his head away, forcing his emotions down. His throat tightened and the world seemed to sway again. He closed his eyes and turned his back to the sensei, not knowing how to respond.

The hand on his shoulder stayed put for a moment longer, then drew away. Garmadon's footsteps faded into the distance and Kai was left alone again.

He didn't know why, but he felt angry. Angrier than he ever had been. It must've been Garmadon's words, how the sensei refused to give up on him. Oh, just let me go already! he wanted to scream.

But maybe it was something more. Maybe he was angry at himself for listening to Garmadon's pleas, actually thinking about them. No, he told himself. I can't listen to him. I won't. He can't tell me what to do. That's up to me.

And, gazing across the room at Jay, he knew exactly what he wanted to do. It's time to bust out of this joint.

* * *

Darkness was all Lloyd could see. He couldn't tell where he was. The blackness surrounded him everywhere, except for the thin strip of light at the bottom of the door in front of him. By the way his skin crawled and the emptiness that filled his ears, he could tell it was night. But how many hours had passed since he was knocked out? One? Or twenty-four?

His head started throbbing with pain but he fought through it as he jerked himself forward.

He didn't move.

He jolted himself again.

Still, he didn't move.

Frustrated, Lloyd stared down at the ropes wrapped around his shoulders—the ones bolting him to the chair. They think these can hold me for long? he thought, anger hardening inside of him. A thin smirk appeared on his face. I'll just need a quick escape plan.

Light suddenly pierced the darkness.

Letting out a soft grunt, Lloyd squinted as the door opened and someone stepped inside. After blinking to adjust to the new lighting, Lloyd made out Zane.

The green ninja let out a quiet chuckle. "So you finally decided it'd be best to tie me up, huh?" he murmured.

Zane's gaze was hardened as he stepped deeper into the room. "You're lucky Sensei let you live," he spat. "We figured you could be valuable to us."

Lloyd raised an eyebrow. "Valuable, huh?" he mumbled, half to himself.

"We didn't want to do this to you, Lloyd," Zane went on. "But we think it's time to give up on treating you like a friend."

"About time, too," Lloyd sniggered. Then he glanced around. "Speaking of friends, I assume you dealt with mine a little kindlier, didn't you?"

"Kai and Jay will not stick with you," Zane shot back. "They'll figure out the right path again. You can't count on them."

Lloyd stared at the white ninja intensely. "And what makes you think I don't expect that?" he challenged.

Stunned, Zane went silent for a moment. Unease flashed in his eyes and his thoughts seemed to stagger, until he eventually shook his head and regained his bearings. Furrowing his eyebrows, he took a step back. "We'll keep you here until we find something useful to do with you," he told him, changing the subject. He backed into the doorframe. "The elemental sword is far from your reach now, Lloyd. It's over."

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now