4. Birthday Boy.

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***Mayra's POV.***

It has been almost a month since the day Shaurya and I decided that we will get married. We told our family, and they agreed with our decision. They also supported my reason to get married after a few months, as I want Veer to adjust with me and also I needed to adjust too, and so did Shaurya.

Ever since then, Shaurya and I have kind of formed a friendship between us. It is easy and the conversations are good. We majorly talk about art and his baking. And when it comes to the topic of Veer, we are bound to talk non-stop.

I pick up my phone and dial Shaurya's number. I am pretty much sure today he must have taken special leave, as today is Veer's first birthday. The ring goes on, but no one picks up. Well, that's new. Otherwise, my phone is picked up in one ring.

I put the phone away and started packing. Maybe Shaurya is too busy for Veer's birthday. While I had to come here to Chandigarh for a small dance competition with the academy kids where I teach. They insisted, and I already made plans, so Shaurya asked me to follow through.

As I open the door to receive my laundry and breakfast, my phone rings. It is a video call, and the caller is none other than Veer, who looks like he just woke up from his sleep as he rubs his eyes with his cute little hands.

"Good Morning, my Veer." I say and wave at him.

"Gud." He says with a pout.

"Aww! What happened to my birthday boy?" I ask.

"He is just missing you." Shaurya says, coming into the camera zone behind Veer.

"Well, I miss him too. That is why I am leaving a little early." I say and show my packed bags.

"Great. But be careful. I have heard that it will be a little foggy today, so the road might get a little tricky. So I hope you have booked air tickets?" Shaurya asks.

"No. I am taking a car. But don't worry, I will be fine as I will drive safely." I say.

"Fine. But still stay safe, otherwise someone here would get angry if something happened to you." He says and I look at Veer, who is babbling on and on about something.

"So, are you baking today?" I ask.

"Yes. It is my son's first birthday." Shaurya says.

"Our son." I corrected him.

"Sorry. It is our son's first birthday. Obviously, I want to make a special cake for him." He says with a big smile.

"So, is this occasion special enough to have some music?" I ask.

"I know that glint in your eyes, Mayra. But no, there would be all music except the instrument I know how to play." He says.

"Come on, Shaurya. It has been a month since we became friends. Am I not good enough to know that secret?" I ask.

"Like I am good enough to know what type of music you like?" He asks with a raised brow.

"Fine. This month old argument would never end. I have also invited my best friends to the party. So they can finally meet you. They have been literally begging me for the introduction." I say.

"That's okay. But wouldn't it be the first time your family would meet them too?" He asks in confusion.

"Yes. That's because it's a kids' party. I hope they behave." I say.

"Don't worry. How was the competition?" He asks.

"It was great, and we won first prize. The girls are going to see Chandigarh with one more teacher here, but I am coming back." I say.

"Okay. Have your breakfast and call me when you reach Shimla." He says, "Say bye, Veer."

"Buh byeee!" He says, waving with both hands.

"Bye‌, birthday boy. See you soon. I love you." I say and give a flying kiss and he does the same and giggles and falls on his back.

"He does this every time. Bye." Shaurya says while I laugh when he rushes to pick up Veer.

I put the phone down and pack up the rest of the things and have my breakfast. I brought my car along with me as I am used to driving for a long time and it is convenient too. After checking that I have everything I need, I began my three hours' journey. If I keep this pace, I will be there after lunch time.

I already informed Mom about it and she told me to drive safely as clouds are already forming around. For the past month, I have been visiting Malhotra's house to meet Veer and connect with him and also the family. It needs time for a kid to have another person around his only parent and accept that person.

Even though Veer is little, he is still sensitive. He likes me but he loves Shaurya as he has been there for him all the time when he needed him. I have just come and gone and so in his eyes he still would trust Shaurya most. But after the wedding, I hope Veer will learn to trust me more too.

I have already decided when I would marry Shaurya and for that first I have to discuss this with him tomorrow. Today is Veer's day, so I want to make it extra special for him. I look back in the car to see the dozens of story books I bought and also the soft toys. I hope I didn't overdo it.

I got a call from Arya and I answered it with bluetooth just when I was near Shimla, "Yes, Arya. Say."

"I called you to tell you we all are at Malhotra's house. So come here only directly. Okay?" She asks.

"Okay. I will be there in half an hour." I say and she hangs up.

I get another call from Anu and I pick up and she bombards me with questions, "What should I buy for your one-year-old boy? Would a tricycle do or a rocking horse? What about a baby walker?"

"Calm down, Anu. Where is Kush?" I ask.

"He already bought something cool and is not showing me. I have even tried seducing him, but he is getting smarter day by day. It is my fault only for asking for a smarter boyfriend." She says.

"He is your fiance." I say.

"Whatever. Just tell me na. I am so confused." She says.

"Buy anything you like." I say.

"Your son is not a girl, otherwise I would have bought hair clips and ribbons ages ago. I am clueless about what to give a baby boy. I am having a girl in the future. That's done." Anu says, and I chuckle.

"Why don't you buy a toy train? Nobody thought of that. Also, what about a boat?" I ask.

"Great. I will buy both. Okay, bye. See you at the party." Anu says and hangs up.

My friends are excited to meet Shaurya and Veer both. Anu and Kush have been my friends for a long time. My other friends are out of town and busy or more like they just don't want to come. Why? Who cares?

I reach the Malhotra house and Vedant Bhai comes out and asks, "How was the journey?"

"How do I look?" I ask.

"Good." He says.

"Then so was the journey." I say.

"Come, everybody is waiting for you. They want you to decide which outfit Veer should wear for the party." He says.

"He is just a small kid. I hope he is not getting annoyed by all this." I say and get in to see Veer being passed from one end to another like a basketball.

Everybody is finding one after another outfit and then taking him on their lap and seeing if it would look good on him. While Shaurya is trying his best to intervene. Veer, who was enjoying this bouncing around, finally notices me at the door and screams loudly so everyone could hear him.

"Well, that's a good welcome. Don't you think, would be bhabhi?" Parth asks and I shake my head with a smile.

"Come here, Veer. Everyone is bothering my son, aren't they? Not good." I say as I take him from Mom and wave my finger at them all and Veer does it too, "Let's go up and take some rest, shall we? Because we have Veer's birthday party at night and Mom's friends are coming who would play rugby with you, unlike our family who were playing basketball."

Veer, who doesn't understand a thing, just nods along and puts his head on my shoulder. This is home. Just here.

Second Wife, First Love.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora