Chapter 20: Hide and Seek & Grandchildren

Começar do início

The next thing I knew, I heard Mason squeal, Lucas was bolting off of me, and I sat up to see him tickling the red-haired boy, who was now laughing hysterically. Thinking quickly, I waved my hand and froze Lucas in place, Mason now wheezing for breath. I slowly walked over to Lucas's frozen-self, and Mason wiggled out of his grip. I stood in front of Lucas, and pecked his cheek.

"We win", I said, giving him a cheeky grin.

"No fair!" he whined. "You have magic! That's the only reason why you won!" I grinned at his childish behavior, and unfroze him.

"You love me, don't deny it", I said, calling his bluff.

"I can't, and won't deny it", Lucas replied. My cheeks began heating up, and I looked away shyly. Lucas gently turned my face to meet his, and leaned in to kiss me. Much to our misfortune, just before our lips met, thundering footsteps were heard coming up the stairs and down the hallway towards us.

"LUCAS BENJAMIN WILLIAMS!" Granny shrieked. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE MOON GODDESS IS GOING ON UP HERE!?" Lucas winced, I stared at her, dumbfounded, and Mason hid behind my legs. The sweet old lady that had greeted me with open arms now looked like fire would burst from her nose.

However, despite her furious state, once she laid her eyes on Mason, who still attempted to hide behind my legs, her face softened to a look of wonder, and concern.

"Who is this?" Granny asked, curiosity laced in her voice.

"This is Mason", I answered. "Him, Lucas and I were playing hide-and-seek, then it turned into a tickle fest." The wheels began turning in her head, as she looked at Mason again, then turned to Lucas.


Lucas's POV-

"Is he what I think he is?" Granny asked, referring to Mason.

"Yes", I responded. "We want to adopt him." Her eyes widened as tears of pure joy began to fill them.

"I'm going to be a great-grandma!" Granny cheered. "Way to make me feel even older than I already am Lucas, and you too Max." She shot us both a playful glare.

"Sorry not sorry, old woman", I fired back with a laugh.

"Watch what you say to me young man", she quipped. "I raised you for a small period of your life, so don't think that because I'm old and your the Alpha that I still can't boss you around and kick your butt." Instead of laughing like a madman, my face fell, as memories of events I haven't thought about in a long time surfaced.

"Lucas, are you ok?" Max asked, worriedly. The memories fading, but not entirely going away, I shifted my attention to my mate and soon-to-be son.

"A story for a different setting than this", I said. "But for now, let's get Mason layed down for a nap. He looks exhausted." True to my words, Mason was struggling to stay standing, keep his head up, and his eyelids were drooping over his clover-green eyes. Max nodded, but his eyes said differently. I knew he wanted me to confide in him, but he never voiced it. I knew that this was to give me the time I needed to settle my nerves in order to tell him.

"Ok, kid", Max said. "Let's get you a nap."

"I'm not tired", Mason tried to fire back, but was met with a huge yawn and a pout in defeat. Max and I exchanged an amused and knowing glance with each other.

"We'll see you later, Granny", I said. "Max and I better get Mason tucked in for a nap."

"I better see him again, Lucas!" she threatened, jokingly. I smiled weakly, but she didn't seem to notice.

"Will do, Granny!" I replied, with strained cheerfulness. I picked Mason up, and waved goodbye to Granny, Max doing the same before teleporting us to our room in a puff of white smoke.

Carefully setting Mason on the bed, I waited until I knew for sure that he was sleeping, before turning to Max, who still had that questioning look in his eyes. Taking a deep breath, I opened my mouth to tell him the terrible events that had happened just a couple months prior to me becoming Alpha, and mine and Max's first encounter.

                      To be continued...

AN: LOL, cliffhanger!! Sorry that I'm not sorry! And don't worry, Granny didn't mean to make Lucas sad. She didn't even mean to stir up those memories, that will be revealed in the next chapter! I love you besties, and thank you once again to those who added The Mage and His Alpha to their reading lists and I haven't thanked yet!!! I truly appreciate it each and every one of my readers! I'll try my best to update again later this week! Like always, please comment any spelling and grammar errors. Love you all!

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Bye Besties!! 💙

The Mage & His AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora