Unexpected Meet

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Sans's POV
So I was walking down back home after visiting a old friend of mines. I tripped over a rock. Landing face pounded in the snow, I got up brushing of the extra snow on me then continued my walk. Before I knew I made it home, I bright white portal open. It was weird because I can't open portals and my brother haven't learn how to use his powers yet too. I walked around it but it pulled me in. Bright blue strings wrapped around me, even my throat! It was difficult for me to move and make a run for it. I kept pulling the string suddenly, I got pull through.


White.... White was all I could seen. Not later, my hit my bottom onto the floor. It hurted much but I didn't worry about it much cause out of no a HUGE bone just went right past me!! I almost lost a health! Thanks to my amazing dodges, I dodge it quickly. I looked around to see similar skeleton like me but all different type of color clothing and attitude. One of them kept opening portals to summon bright blue strings to attack the others! I was terrified and confused at the same time. I know I couldn't do anything because one of the skeleton spotted me. I could tell he told his other skeleton about me. I walked back slowly to avoid getting hit. Then the war battle stopped due to his skeleton yelling it out loud. Then I started running as fast as I could! They kept following me and they weren't fast as I thought if they are the same skeleton as me but still, it was like a loop of us all running.

Third POV
Sans ran as fast as he could. He decided to hop on one of his gasters and fly high up. Not later, the same blue bright string was attached to him again. Looking up seeing a black skeleton on bright blue strings too but with 'errors' signs around him. Sans tried again to break free but failed. He was now thinking, this was the end for him. The black skeleton jumped down, still having Sans with him and the strings. A skeleton with a huge paint brush on his back walked up forward. His eyes where filled with, stars? And he jumped happily. Not later came out black paints from his mouth, almost fainting, a yellow skeleton ran up toward to catch him. Luckily he didn't fell down. The skeleton with the paint brush got up and screamed.

"OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!" The scream hurted Sans's none existing ears and the others. All the skeleton and even Sans were confused. The skeleton with the paint brush walked up to Sans shaking his hands. Sans pulled his hands away as for a 'don't touch me' sign. "Ah sorry, I just got way excited. My apologies sir."

Sans's POV
I pulled my hands away from his skeleton hands and crossed my arms. "Ah sorry, I just got way excited. My apologies sir." He was well mannered for a skeleton like him. I nodded to show I accept his apology. He told his black skeleton to let me go. "Error! Let him go and I'll explain why." So that's his name, Error. Seems like it would be easy to know with 'erros' sign all around him. His voice was glitchy too.
"Fine, I'll let him go but better explain squid." Squid? Is that really that skeleton names or it's just a nickname? "I will explain Error, just let him go!" I dropped down, landing on my feet and looked up. As if I was the attraction of something better than everything else.

Third POV
Sans was on his feet looking up as if he wanted the stares. The skeleton told everyone who Sans was and why he wanted Error to let him go. "This skeleton, he's the original who is the person we all came from!" Silence filled the air. Not until a goopy black skeleton broke the ice. "So, how did he get here?" All the skeleton looked at the other black skeleton with stares of wonder. "What? Why looking at me?" He replied back to stop the stares. "Well you were the one to open portals with the war or whatever you were doing." The yellow skeleton said putting his hands on his hips. "So? It could have been Ink instead too you know?" Now the eyes were on Ink. "W-What? It's not me, I didn't open portals at all." Now back at Error, he started to rubbed his hand behind his skull and mumbled some fews words. "Okay okay. I may have been sneaking behind all of your backs to this lovely person world." A dramatic gasp game out of Ink. "HOW COULD YOU!!" "It was for the best, I figure a hack to get to the original." Ink was about to grab his paint brush but not to know Error grabbed it before him. "Okay okay, then why were you acting surprise and confused? Was it pretend?" Error nodded his head. Ink took out a sigh and a breathe to calm down. "Okay. How long had you kept this secret away from us all?" "Not long. I started about 5 weeks ago." Another dramatic gasp from Ink again. "Okay. We all have a lot of questioning for you Error." The goopy skeleton said and Error whisper a 'oh no'. "Wait, you said 'this lovely person' so your saying I'm lovely?" Error flinch as Sans accidentally touched his shoulder. "N-No! And don't t-touch me!" Sans stood there in silence then came out a laugh. "Haha! Sorry, I won't touch you." A tiny blush flustered across the sanses. All trying there best not to overwhelm Sans laughter. "Okay um, Original." "Yes?" "We need to take you back to our place for some questions." "Your not planning to kidnap me aren't y'all? "W-What!? No no no, it's just going to be quick." "I was just teasing you, hahah!" Ink flustered as Error noticed it, he felt a little hated inside he never felted before. "We can kidnap you if you want~ Nothing special is gonna happen~" A wink came from a skeleton with pink clothes. "Don't be too far ahead Lust. He's gonna leave if you do that." The yellow skeleton reply to the pink skeleton as they crossed their hands. Error open a portal and let the others go in first. Before stopping Sans from going in, he told Sans something. "Hey, some of the questions are gonna be personal from each person so please try your best not to use your power." "It's alright, I'll handle it." As Sans accidentally touched Error on his shoulder again. Error flinch once more making Sans flinch as well too. "Ah sorry, I forgot." Sans rubbing back of his skull. "It's alright I guess.." Sans jumped in the portal as Error went behind, closing the portal behind.

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