Chapter 1

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Many Years Later

As the Bullhead landed 4 people looked around taking in the sight.

"This place looks amazing!" The raven haired woman exclaimed.

"It sure does." The white haired man said as he carried his luggage, remembering something from his past life.

"Yeah, yeah. Just remember to wake me up for the initiation test." A man with long reddish brown hair said as he carried his coffin on his back.

"Sure." The small man said as he watched one of the other passengers.

A figure watched as the 4 people got off of the bullhead. His heart started to race in panic when he saw one of them. He may not have recognized them completely, but the aura of the two tall males are off the charts and polar opposites.

'Good thing I'm wearing my disguise.' he thought to himself.

The woman didn't seem to recognize him either. But the short one, seems to suspect something.

"Gotta keep a low profile." He mumbled to himself.

The woman was pretty excited to see another world. Then again, we do need more training.

"Sure." The short man said as he crawled onto her shoulder.

He seemed to be distracted by something. The woman decided to ask him later about it. But for now, they had to complete the initiation test tomorrow. And all  they have to do is find a 'Crimson Pawn'.


"Alright, Nina, Mordecai, Whistala, remember to grab the Crimson Pawn." The white haired man said as they walked into a Bullhead.

Everyone nodded as they remembered the location of their Pawn.

"You got it Gramzon." The short man known as Whistala answered.

In the back corner, a figure listened in on the conversation.

'Crimson pawn?' he asked himself.

'Just grab the one we told you about.' a voice answered within his mind.

"Yeah, sure." He answered with a mutter.

Present day

After Ozpin's speech, everyone was getting ready for bed.

"Why do you carry that around?" Someone asked.

Mordecai turned around and saw a girl with pale skin and white hair pulled into a ponytail.

"Well, it's meant to hold dead people inside." He said with a crazy smile.

The girl was horrified as she backed away. Gramzon chuckled as he gave a better answer.

"What he means is, that is his bed." Gramzon said trying not to laugh.

"Who in their right mind would sleep in that thing?" the girl asked in disgust.

"Who said he had a right mind?" Nina said as she knocked on Mordecai's head.

"Hey! You know how much that pisses me off." Mordecai said with a playful angry look on his face.

"I can't believe any of you." She said walking off.

"Welp, I'm turning in for the night." Mordecai said as he closed the lid on the coffin.

Gramzon and Nina got into their sleeping bags and drifted to sleep.

The cloaked figure from before sat next to Blake and looked at what she was reading.

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