Volume 3 Chapter 29: Fall? Phase 3

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Ironwood:" We are the... protectors... of this world"

Ozpin:" And we need your help"


Going down an elevator with everyone, Pyrrha stood uncomfortably in the middle as beeping sounds could be heard every floor as they went downwards.

Pyrrha:" Where are we going?"

Ozpin:" The vault... under the school..."

The elevator door opening Pyrrha sees a rather large and long hallway... the other four walk past her, and soon she follows suit. Keeping up, Glynda turns around once they reach a halt.

Glynda:" I'm sure you have questions"

Pyrrha:" Maybe one... or two"

Continuing to walk along, Pyrrha asks her questions.

Pyrrha:" I still don't understand, you said next in line to receive the maidens power. What do you mean?"

Glynda:" The maidens have existed for thousands of years, but much like its nature. The seasons change, and no two summers are alike. Because when a maiden dies, their powers leave their body to seek out a new host. Ensuring that the seasons are never lost. And that no individual can hold onto this power for eternity"

Pyrrha:" So how do the... powers choose?"

Qrow:" Through a stupid amount of innovated rules"

Glynda:" Qrow...!"

Qrow:" Don't get mad cause im right"

Glynda:" At first it was certain that the powers specifically passed to young women, but as time went on it was discovered the process was much more intimate"

Pyrrha:" Intimate?"

Glynda:" As we know now, when a maiden dies, the one who's in her final thoughts is the first candidate to inherit their powers"

Qrow:" Unless its a dude, or some dumb old hag. Then the power goes to someone random, and that's when our job gets a lot harder."

Pyrrha:" Why tell me all of this now? Why not wait until im graduated?"

Qrow:" Honestly? We'd run out of time; we were on high alert in case the evil things in this world attacked. But it's been confirmed not just by actions, but by someone special's help. As well as the things going on out there, the Grimm are getting stronger, tensions high. The peace we've all been sucking up and enjoying is going to be thrown out the window"

Pyrrha:" Yn...?"

Qrow:" Exactly"

Pyrrha:" But in all of that... you're not talking about a regular war... mentioning Grimm"

Ironwood:" Because this is no war between nations"

Qrow:" We can fill you in on the details once we know you're with us. This information has been thrown around lately... a bit too much. For now all you need to know is one of the maidens were attacked, and for the first time in history. Only part of her power was stolen"

Reaching a rather large machine... it seemed like a test tube or some chamber that was protecting the lady inside it. The blue keyboard and screen being complimented by oxygen tanks blowing inside the chamber. As well as tubes feeding every possible nutrient needed to survive and thrive

Ozpin:" This is... the current fall maiden... Amber"

Pyrrha:" She's still... she's still alive"

Ironwood:" For now, we're using highly advanced technology, prototype technology to keep her stable. Which is the reason you don't see these things in every hospital. It would be in every hospital if we knew it would be safe 100% of the time"

RWBY: RISING REVENGEANCE (Under rewrite)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن