Chapter 5- I Run Football

Start from the beginning

"Yes, sir!" they said in unison.

Griffon nodded and turned back to us.

"Now before we get started on excercises, I have to ask you guys an important question that will determine whether you're fit to play for my team," he said. He stopped in front of a short guy at the end of the line.

"You, what's your favorite football team or player in the NFL?" Coach asked.

"49ers," the boy croaked nervously.

"Why?" Coach barked.

"Because I-I used to live in San Francisco and I r-r-epresent my hometown's team, sir."

Coach nodded.

"I like that answer," he said. "A guy sticking with his home team and representing." He moved on down the line.

"Favorite team?" he asked a tall buff guy.

"Oakland Raid-"

"Ahh, that's where you lost me," Coach interrupted. He moved on down the line and the guy headed off the field.

It was finally my turn.

"I'm my favorite player and team," I answered after Griffon asked me the question.

A collective of chuckles and snickers erupted. I just smirked.

"why?" Griffon asked.

"I'm the best least in my opinion and everyone at my old school."

"Well, let me tell you something," Coach said. "You're not at your old school anymore. You're in my school."

"Well, that's going to change...sir," I said, smirking. "My name's Troy King. King."

Coach eyed me and I stared back, not looking away. He finally broke into a smile and chuckled, pating me roughly on my shoulder.

"I like that answer!" he boomed. He turned to the team. "You see, that's the answer I was looking for! Right there!"

I grinned. Coach Griffin moved on down the line. I felt someone looking or more like glaring at me. I looked up and saw Ryan giving me a murderous glare.

* * * * *

After Coach Griffon found out the NFL teams the rest of the guys liked, we finally began stretches. Then we ran aroundd the whole field twice. It was once back at Tipton. But, I guess I wwas going to have to get used to it.

As we ran, we passed by the varsity cheerleaders, who were doing there stretches. Some of the football players whistled and yelled perverted things. I spotted Alexis rolling her eys and glaring at us. Except Sean. He waved at her and she waved back with a happy smile. I waved as well, but she only turned away. I heard Sean chuckle.

I was the first one done with the two laps and the coaches nodded in approval.

"Good job, King!" Branskon said.

I grinned and walked over to the small water fountain by the bench. I drank some water and sat down. Sean sat next to me and drank out of his water bottle.

"So, what's up with you and Alexis?" I asked casually.

Sean looked at me and shrugged.

"We're just friends," he said.

"Do you want it to stay that way?"

"I guess."

I nodded. Sean eyed me.

"Why you asking?" he asked.

"Just wanted to know," I said. "Alexis is hot and I just wanted to know if you guys were secretly dating or something."

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