2. Shaurya Malhotra.

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***Shaurya's POV.***

"What about this one?" I ask the tenth time and the person deciding my outfit today shakes their head in no again, "Then what else? You definitely don't want me to get ready in sherwani, do you?" I ask jokingly and that person nods in yes. "No."

"Yes." Veer says.

"Wow! You say no for everything and I think it is your favourite word, but for the sherwani, yes. Do you want me to get married today only?" I ask and pick him up.

"Yes." He says with a cheerful smile.

"Do you even understand what I am talking about? Do you know who I am meeting today?" I ask and think he doesn't.

"Ma." He says with a nod and then lays his head on my shoulder in that cute way.

"You really are one smart kid when you want something. But I can't wear something like that. So please hurry and tell me what to wear?" I ask and put him on the bed.

He finally puts his hand on a pink shirt and I wear grey formal pants with it and say, "There. How do I look now?"

In response to my question, I get a big smile and clap. I fold my clothes and put them in the closet while Veer plays with his toys on the ground. It is a wonder that I got lucky getting a son like him who has been through so much in a year of his life, but still is so positive. I know kids at this age know little, but they are still sensitive about what happens around them.

I want Veer to have everything. He deserves everything. Such a nice son like him deserves his father to make every change necessary and to make time for him and show him the love of both the parents, alone. If only Priya was a little open about her feelings, things wouldn't have gotten this far.

But what happened, happened. I have let the past rest in its place and am trying my best to move on. By the way, Veer is my everything now. But I am no more the centre of his world. He has chosen someone for him and I have no heart to deny him someone like that person.

Mayra is a very strong-willed woman. That was my first impression of her. I remember Dadi talking about her and how I thought that often in situations like this either a person loses their faith and becomes bitter or they become meek to others as they endure everything that happens to them. But Mayra is different.

Mayra was neither of them. She made her own world where she was very successful. She didn't let society bother her and achieved everything she set her mind to. I often look at her and think what a sound mind she has to move on in life without love from her family. But then I thought I was wrong as her family loved her and, according to the latest report from Mom, Arya said that she got a full family now.

Today I am going to meet her and I know she would have some expectations from this marriage. Half of my reason to marry her is simple. Veer. But that doesn't mean I would not see to her needs or fulfil her wishes. I have no bitterness left in me after my divorce with Priya.

How can I? Half of the reason for that divorce was me. I was not in love with Priya, but I loved her as a friend. We have been together since school time. Almost everybody thought we would end up together. And we did. And what an awful marriage it was. For the first time in my life, I regretted being practical.

But how would I have known things would turn out this way? I was as clueless as her. We were happy for a year, but then things started changing and we started drifting away every day. But then one night we were drunk and conceived Veer. I don't regret having Veer in my life, but that night was a mistake. Because that night destroyed everyone's life.

Second Wife, First Love.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum