♠Chapter 4♠

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Moonbin's Pov☀

"What is happening hyung? Why we are here?"Sanha asked me while sitting beside me. I sighed not knowing the answer.

After stepping inside the gate, we both reached here. An unknown town where we don't know anyone. And the worst part was, they were calling us King and Prince. They even gave us new name which we never heard before.

Who the hell is this Kang Soobin and Kang Hyunbin? Why were they calling us that? Ughhh.. Everything was a mess. How did we even ended up here? At this century, no country wear those old, traditional dresses. Why did they wore those? I never heard anything about this place before. Why did they even brought us here?

We were currently in a big mansion which looks old designed yet luxurious type. It has so many similarities with the Ghost house. Who is this rich person? I really wanna meet him.

Suddenly someone opened the door and came inside. We both looked at the person and stood up.


Moonbin and Sanha glared at the old man who just entered the room. The man chuckled knowing why they were angry and sat on the arm chair which was made by gold and silver.

"Don't be mad at me, because I am not the one who brought you guys here."he said with a smile. Bin and Sanha glanced at each other before sitting on the bed again. Sanha sighed and asked.

"Then who brought us here?"

"Fate."he said making both of them look at him weirdly.

"Excuse me. Plz don't play with us. Is this some kind of drama or show huh? What do you guys want from us?"Moonbin asked in stern voice. The old man chuckled at bin.

"You behave, sound and act exactly the same way. I am glad that you are here. But to answer your question, we don't want anything from you other than be our King like before."the old man said making both of them confuse.

"King? Who is King?"Sanha asked in curiosity while Bin already guessed the answer.

"He. Our King. King of this Kingdom. Kang Soobin."the man said while pointing at Bin with a smile. Sanha widen his eyes and looked at Bin before bursting into laugh. Both Bin and the man looked at him like he grew two heads.

"Hahahah...H-he....he...what? King? Hahahaha...Well...then I don't wanna be a peasant of his kingdom."

"Why would you be a peasant? You are the king's younger brother. Prince Kang Hyunbin."the old man said making Sanha's laugh die. Sanha looked at him with a weird face.

"I don't know what you are saying and all of this King stuffs but plz. Let us go. Why are you making story like this? Is this any kind of prank? Then plz stop this cause it's getting very annoying."Bin said in an irritated voice making the man sigh.

"I knew you wouldn't believe this. That's why I am here to explain everything your majesty."

🌷Seo Ji's Pov🌷

I finally reached infront of the house. It's now nighttime but on my way, I didn't meet any kind of creepy thing. Are they even real or not?

I turned on my torch and looked at the front. The house is pitch black but designed well. I looked around and didn't saw a single soul there. Everyone must be afraid of this place. And here I am. Coming with my own will.

What should I do? Should I go back or investigate more? But, nothing is happening here. Ughhh...what should I do? I am feeling a little bit scared right now. After all, this place is so quiet and chilly. Directors should make horror films here. It's my personal suggestion.

I sighed and decided to sit under a tree to take some rest. I came here by walking and it took so much energy of mine. I will think about what to do next after resting.

But what I didn't notice was the creepy thing behind me with red eyes.

At the mansion


"You had a Queen who was pregnant. And the Prince had a fiance who was a peasant."the guy told them making them shook. Bin took a deep breath and said,

"So...you wanna tell me that I am the King of this Kingdom and he is my younger brother who is a Prince. I was in love with a princess whom I married and she got pregnant. Sanha was in love with a peasant who became his fiance. Then suddenly a witch appeared and killed all of us and cursed all of you. Can you kindly tell me how I should believe you? Cause all of these are looking like  bullshits to me!!"Bin yelled the last line in frustration making the man flinch a bit.

"Can you tell me, why did the witch killed us?"Sanha asked in a serious tone making Bin jerk his head towards him. Bin was confused by Sanha's sudden question.

Why he is talking like he believes him? Moonbin thought.

"Actually, I can't tell you that now. The right person will tell you guys when the right time comes. But plz, don't leave us."he begged them desperately. Bin sighed annoyingly at the man. Sanha suddenly stood up and went to the guy. He placed a hand over the guy's shoulder and smiled softly.

"We won't go."

[Hello Guys!! I hope you guys are getting clearer view of this story. Plz vote and comment. I will update soon]

♦Ghost Town♦(Bin+Sanha FF)[#astromoonbinff and #astrosanhaff]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang