Technically, no

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Last night I heard everything that went on with her and Grey, I was looking out for her, but... I guess you can call it eavesdropping. I can't BELIVE she technically cheated . technically no but it's alright. as l-- my thoughts are interrupted by a phone call, it's just Nessuh.

"Ayee Nessuh" I smile.

"Hi Rah , I just wanted to tell you that I hope ur having fun with Becky and that everything's alright . Speaking of Bevky lemme speak to her."

I frown. "she asleep".

"Alright or tell her I called bye"


That's it that's the last straw everyone always cares about Becky and never me like, I can sing , I can dance I can do All of the stuff Becky does. ughhhh. I need a jog to clear my mind. I grab a gray crop top that says 'Cute Af' and my Black nike sweat pants and my white bikes with my black Nike gym bag. And also my black beanie . {on the side}. I put my hair in a ponytail and make my way down the stairs.


I fell like maybe I was a little to harsh on Rah , but she can't find out.

Her birthday is in a couple of weeks so imma fly down to Texas from Cali and me , Becky, Austin, Cecilia , Jimmy and everyone else are gunna throw a surprise party it's going to be Bomb.


I wake up and Rah's not in her bed wonder she she is whatever.

I throw my hair in a messy bun and put Austins sweatshirt on usually it's hot in Florida but I feel a little bit sick And it feels really chilly.

I go on Wattpad and update my PLL Story and start reading this story about Justin BIEBER till I fall asleep at 10 am.

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