Pt 2

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After making sure I had their flint and steels, and some debate about them taking off their armor, we settle on chestplates and boots. Even ground so to speak. Then I lay down the ground rules. "Okay. No killing or breeding animals without my permission, do not touch rainbow flock, and if you burn anything I'm stabbing you. Clear?" Phil looks perplexed. "Rainbow flock?" I point to my jeb_ flock and respond "There's a weird sheep specific thing, I think a kind of enchant, when you give them a nametag with the word jeb and an underscore. All lowercase. No unusual colors when you shear them though." His and Techno's eyes widen, and Techno says, "Y'know, think I read about that someplace." 

I shrug, and gesture towards the ladder up to my house. "Y'all coming in?" Phil nods and Techno speaks up again saying, "Actually I was wondering if we could do a tour. This place looks pretty pog." I consider for a moment and sigh. 

Then, I start walking over to the wheat field. "On our way to the wheat field there's the horse pen, where I've got I think like, five or seven horses. Something like that. We'll also be passing my free range bees. They're pretty docile, neutral. Then we have the wheat farm itself which produces 36-37 haybales per harvest." "What are you doing with all that wheat??" Phil asks. Techno joins in, "I was wondering the same thing." I shrug and just pull out a stack of cakes and toss them some. "These, mostly. Also cookies when I can get the beans from a wandering trader, and villager trades sometimes." 

"Continuing on, down behind the wheat field is my little think spot. I'm planning to get a jukebox down here, but we'll see. Then, we've got my small pumpkin and melon farm, and the cake hut." I say, gesturing to the little farm and the build I've lovingly deemed the cake hut. It's roughly 8 blocks tall, and a circular replica of a cake, with the frosting being bone blocks and the actual cake being soul soil. 

What can I say, I wanted it to be snazzy. Inside there's a little crappy little chandelier that I made classy with lanterns, and the floors are spruce slabs, with cakes on raised platforms around the edges. Then, center back, there's ingredient chests and prebaked goods chests on the outside, then furnaces, and a crafting table dead center. I know I need tables in here, but I'll probably just make it outside dining. 

Techno steps inside, checking out the chests and clearly looking for secrets. I raise a brow at Phil, who's looking to be this guys dad, or maybe a young uncle. He chuckles and says, "Sorry about him, he's suspicious of new people." I laugh, and reply, "I never would've guessed, but thanks for the tip. Still a bit on guard myself, I get it." Techno looks over at us and asks, "Are you guys laughin' at me over there?" "Possibly." I say with a small grin, and Phil elbows me.

 I tense up, and have my axe in hand before I realize. I blink, and in the same instant I have my axe to Phil's throat, Techno has his to mine. I realize I'm shaking again, and I say, "Shit. My bad. I know this is gonna be tricky, but I need you to lower your axe, so I can lower mine." Techno keeps a very trained gaze on me, and I can see he'll kill me if I step wrong here. "I mean it Techno. I can't let go of my instinct if you keep that axe to me. I know I'll die in killing Phil, and I don't want to. You guys are giving me a chance to actually have people again. I'm so damn lonely here, why would I kill the first friendlies who approach?" 

I can see the wheels turning in his head as he weighs the odds, but he doesn't lower the axe. Then Phil speaks up. "Techno, I think we can trust them. They don't actually have it on my neck, and they're shaking again. It's obvious they don't want this fight." The wheels turn again, and he sighs, slowly lowering his axe, and and drilling holes in my skull with his eyes. It might take longer, but if I move wrong, still dead. 

He finally lowers his axe enough for me to trust lowering mine. I take two deep breaths, and lower mine in turn. I note the collective sigh and apologize. "I really am sorry. I just wasn't expecting it, and nobody's been around besides village folk and traders since... Well, since a while." Phil raises his hands and says, "Hey, no problem kiddo. I probably should've asked if you were okay with contact." I sigh, and shrug. "You couldn't have known. Should I finish out that tour for you guys? It's gonna be night soon." Phil looks at Techno, and they nod in sync.

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