marriage with someone else

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Jimin's POV

When I saw the girl photo I was so shocked but then I said

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When I saw the girl photo I was so shocked but then I said

Jimin: A-ava.

I don't know why my heart is feeling so sad

Mr. Park: yeah son, I saw you both have a nice bond with each other

Jimin: but dad, she is my cousin.

Mrs. Park: so what is wrong In this dear

Jimin: but mom I never see her in that way pls try to understand

Mr. Park: pls dear we want to see you both together

Jimin: *sigh* okay dad but I want some time.

Mr. Park: okay dear take time and then tell me what is your answer.

Mrs. Park: yeah now go and sleep*smile*

Jimin: hmm Good night

Mr and Mrs. park: good night dear

Mrs. Park: anyways tomorrow ava is coming here

Jimin: hmm ( I just hummed because I m not interested in that)

Then I went to sleep not wanting to stay there anymore.

Y/n's POV

I entered my house and saw dad and Jungkook is waiting for me but why I already told them that I m going for dinner with Jimin then why they are waiting let me ask them

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I entered my house and saw dad and Jungkook is waiting for me but why I already told them that I m going for dinner with Jimin then why they are waiting let me ask them

Y/n: hey dad, hey Jungkook why you guys are still awake?

Mr. Kim: hi dear, actually I want to talk to you about something really important.

y/n: what is it?

he took a deep breath before saying

Mr. Kim: as you know you are old enough to get married. so I want you to get married to Jungkook.

my eyes widen while hearing the name. unknowingly a tear came from my eyes.

y/n: b-but d-dad

Mr. Kim: pls dear I m begging you pls say yes to this marriage

My Childhood Best friend ( Park Jimin FF) (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now