Chapter 4: The Upcoming Job

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[Eugene had caught a ship just in time heading for Italy, he snuck in the ship, then when he arrived, he quickly got off, and made a run for it. It wasn't long before he started stealing in Italy but everyone already knew of the infamous thief, Flynn Rider. As the years passed, Eugene became fluent in Italian and he was eventually wanted in the kingdoms of Koto, Glowerhaven, and Seahaven. He even dated both of the fraternal twin princesses from Koto and the princess of Glowerhaven. By then, Eugene was twenty-four years old, he was six foot one, and he could speak German, English, and Italian fluently. He had decided to go back to Corona after being in Italy for so long. He snuck in a ship just like when he first arrived in Italy years ago and the very next day, he had arrived in the Kingdom of Corona]
{With Eugene}
(He let out a satisfactory breath)
Eugene: After some years, back in Corona, what new adventure lies ahead for me this time?
(He leaves to go find a place to hide)
{Deep in the forest}
(He runs into The Stabbingtons)
Sideburns: Well, hello there Rider
Patchy: Long time no see
Eugene: Well would you look at that, it's my old buddies, Sideburns and Patchy
Sideburns: We've got a proposition for you, Rider
Eugene: Oh yeah, what kind of preposition?
Patchy: We heard that years ago, you stole a huge amount of treasure from the kingdom of Equis
Eugene: Yeah, what about it?
Sideburns: Let's work together and steal the tiara of the lost princess of Corona
Eugene: Ah yes, the infamous tiara that The Baron once wanted me to steal
Patchy: That crown is worth a huge fortune, Rider
Eugene: I believe you
Sideburns: Once we steal the crown, we'll split the profits into three and the profits will be unimaginable
Eugene: Hmm, you make a great proposition, boys, but I know you both very well. You both are very ambitious as is any great thief and you wouldn't want to share the profits of that great fortune with anyone else but yourselves if you could help it. What I am understanding is that you both need the help of the infamous, amazing, talented, and handsome Flynn Rider with his amazing and very successful plans to pull off this job, and therefore you know that I will require payment, which requires you both splitting the profits of the sale of the crown in three, do I have that right?
(Sideburns growls)
Eugene: Ah the infamous Sideburns growl, so I am right
Patchy: Shut your fucking mouth, Rider, are you in or out?
Eugene: Well someone's in a mood today, what's wrong, boys, haven't had your latest female conquest yet?
Sideburns: Shut up before we change our minds about the deal
Eugene: Alright, fine, ok, it's a deal
(They sit down by a tree)
Patchy: What's the plan then?
Eugene: Well, naturally the guards will be patrolling the courtyard and gardens, so we can't sneak in. We can't steal some uniforms from them like I did when I infiltrated the palace in Equis because they're just not suited for that plan and we've got no way to steal them, so that leaves the roof and walls
Sideburns: We'll have to time it right and watch out for the passing guards
Eugene: Exactly, we can jump from section to section and chances are that the crown is kept in the throne room surrounded by guards
Patchy: Who's going to go down?
Eugene: You can lower me down, no offense, but let's just say out of all three of us, I'm the best thief. The sneakiest, the fastest, the lightest on his feet, not to mention the fittest, and the most handsome. You know, you both should step up the cardio
Sideburns: Ah shut up, Rider, and watch it. Fine, we'll lower you down with a rope
Patchy: We should go as early as possible
Eugene: Let's leave this tree at five in the morning, go steal some breakfast, rest up, wash up, and then go steal the crown
Sideburns: Sounds good with me, let's go steal some lunch
Patchy: Brother, you've read my mind
Eugene: You know, we are in the forest and there are apple trees and safe berries that we can eat instead of going all the way into town
Sideburns: Yeah well, I don't see any bread or cheese or meat growing on trees or bushes
Eugene: Well, we'll have to work with what we've got and what we've got is fruit. Not only that but there's a river close by, we can hunt for fish, which is white meat, genius
Patchy: Shut it already
(They go deeper into the forest to find some lunch for themselves)
<later at night>
(The Stabbingtons were sleeping while Eugene was making a plan in his head)
Eugene's POV
Hmm, the crown is worth a fortune, if I cut off the boys from the deal, I can take the profits for myself and finally start on my dream of living alone on my island with a huge amount of money. For my plan to work, we're going to have to get caught stealing the crown and somehow I need to escape from both the guards and The Stabbingtons. Well, I am the legendary Flynn Rider, my scheme will work out in the end, and not only will I escape the guards and these two buffoons, but I walk out with a fortune in my hands]
(He lies down and heads to sleep, so he could get his eight hours of sleep for tomorrow's job)

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