[Gothel had sold her black stallion and traveled around by walking. The months passed, the guards continued to look for the princess, but they still couldn't find her. Gothel hated being a mother because baby Rapunzel would always cry and it would drive Gothel insane. She fed Rapunzel milk formula and already prepared baby food, burped her, bathed her, which she didn't particularly like because Rapunzel would always splash around in the tub and would always get Gothel soaked. She changed her diapers, which was another thing that Gothel absolutely hated. By the age of two, Rapunzel was able to get dressed on her own, bathe herself, brush her teeth, and in general take care of herself, which made Gothel less annoyed. Gothel would always brush Rapunzel's hair and sing her the special healing song, she would always be leaving the tower and leaving Rapunzel alone, which made her feel very lonely. However, Gothel would always bring her back books, so Rapunzel could learn to read, write, speak, and learn about different animals. As soon as Rapunzel could learn to talk on her own, Gothel began teaching her the song and soon enough Rapunzel began singing it on her own. Every night on her birthday when Gothel went to sleep, Rapunzel would look out the tower window and see the beautiful floating lights, and wondered what they were. She also dreamed of one day seeing them in person]
[Eugene and Arnwaldo were sick of being stuck in the orphanage surrounded by poverty and hunger, and so they decided to leave the orphanage behind at only the age of ten. From then on Eugene went by the name of Flynn Rider and Arnwaldo went by the name of Lance Strongbow. A year later, they teamed up with two teenagers who were taller and older than them. They were both redheads, they were fraternal twins, one had an eyepatch over his eye, and they were both fourteen. They started to thieve together but out of them all, Eugene was the most talented thief despite his young age. After him it was Lance, and Eugene quickly learned to pick locks among other skills. A year later, at the age of only twelve, the young boys and the twins paired themselves with The Baron]
[One day, when Rapunzel was seven, Gothel had left two nights ago and hadn't returned, it was a rainy and cold night, and a poisonous snake had just eaten a little chameleon's mother but not before she had sent him across the river. The little chameleon had fallen from the waterfall and had arrived at a most curious place
*Stop the video at 1:51*
They immediately became best friends and Rapunzel named him Pascal. Rapunzel always kept Pascal a secret from Gothel but that wasn't the only secret that Rapunzel kept from Gothel]
[The Baron was a very tall crime boss who had a daughter named Stalyan. Eugene, Lance, and the twins began robbing the kingdom of Corona. They started in the main marketplace and moved their way across the kingdom. Whatever they stole, a third was for The Baron, a third was for them, and both he and Lance agreed that the other third would be for their very first home...The Orphanage. They would give them money, food, medicines, clothes, and whatever else they needed]
[Unfortunately, Queen Adellene had died at childbirth leaving the baby princess Snow White and her father alone. When Snow White was five, her father remarried to give his daughter a mother figure. A few years later, Queen Arianna and Princess Willow, lost their older brother and sister-in-law. Unfortunately, their ship had sunk at sea leaving their ten-year-old son, Eric. Not only that but a year later, Estelle had died and left her eleven-year-old daughter, Cinderella, and Cinderella's father alone, but that wasn't all. A while later, Empress Alexandra had died and so had Sultana Ganika. She had lost many of her closest friends, her brother, her sister-in-law, and her child. Her life had been filled with nothing but unbelievably hard losses. Growing up, Gothel had to teach Rapunzel things that every young woman needed to learn about their body. She had taught her about the menstrual cycle, about what to wear, and taught her about puberty. Rapunzel was a fast learner and easily picked up everything. She knew what to do and what to wear when her time of month arrived and made it a habit of shaving whenever and wherever she needed to. However, Gothel had poisoned her mind with fear against the outside world and men. She had told her that all men were evil people who would steal a woman's virtue by force and then leave them, but Rapunzel refused to believe that all men were that way and believed that there was good in everyone, which was one of her main beliefs, but she, of course, didn't tell Gothel that]
[The time passed and soon enough, Eugene and Lance turned fifteen, Eugene eventually started going out with Stalyan because he had a slight thing for her, a year later when both Eugene and Lance were sixteen, they were double-crossed by the baron, and Eugene promised Lance that they would get him back. Eugene and Lance were already wanted in the kingdom of Equis, in the kingdom of Corona, and in a city in Corona called Vardaros. Both Eugene and Stalyan ended up stealing jewels from the sultan of another territory in Germany called Pincosta. Eugene and Lance were also wanted in two other kingdoms in Germany, Ravenberg, and Doveberg. The Baron had engaged Eugene and Stalyan and she, of course, agreed, but Eugene wasn't too fond of the idea. They also ended up stealing the eye of Pincosta, which was a big red diamond and gold ring from the town of the hamlet of Pincosta from the vaults of Constable Lumph. By now, Eugene was seventeen years old and even though he was a thief, he and Lance kept up with their studies]
{With Lance and Eugene}
Lance: Wait, Wait, Wait, so, you're going to leave Stalyan at the altar?
Eugene: Yeah, basically, I am not getting married
Lance: Well, you know, this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't cheated on Stalyan with those fraternal twin daughters from that Lord in Equis. You were dating all three of them at the same time. This wouldn't have happened either if The Baron hadn't found out that you and Stalyan had been screwing around for a while now.
(Eugene and he laugh)
Eugene: Yeah well, the past is in the past, and I am not marrying Stalyan, Lance. Look, true, I had a crush on her a few years back but I don't feel anything with her, I don't love the girl, and neither will I ever. I am not marrying Stalyan whatsoever
Lance: The Baron won't be happy at all
Eugene: That's why I'm leaving the night before the wedding
Lance: And where are you gonna go?
Eugene: Italy, but before that, I'm returning to Equis
Lance: For what?
Eugene: I'm going to steal many jewels and gold from the king and give it to the orphanage. It'll be the biggest fortune that I've ever stolen, so they'll remember my name, and it'll be a way to teach the king a lesson about helping the ones in need, especially his people. I have to do this alone
Lance: I know you do, that place meant a lot to you, it meant a lot to me too, well, it means a lot to both of us, and it was our first home. I get it, just be careful, and hopefully, we'll meet again, soon, buddy
Eugene: I sure hope so too
(They hug and pull away then Eugene walks off in one direction and Lance in the other)
[That very late evening, Eugene left The Baron's tents and left in the darkness of night without anyone noticing. The very next day, Eugene infiltrated the impenetrable castle of Equis and escaped with a chest full of gold coins and a chest filled with precious gems. He then banged on the orphanage door a little bit after dawn and didn't leave until he heard footsteps]
{Outside the orphanage}
(The headmistress opened the door and saw the chests. She opened them and gasped)
Headmistress: Oh my goodness
(She took the card off of the trunks)
Headmistress: "Just another small donation, thank you for everything. Sincerely yours, Flynn Rider". Oh my dear boy, thank you. You three help me bring this inside, please
(Three other ladies helped the headmistress bring the chests inside. Just around the corner, Eugene smiles and leaves for his new adventure)

A Tangled Life
FanfictionWhat is Eugene's backstory? What was his past before he met Rapunzel? How was Rapunzel's childhood while she was growing up? What if Gothel hadn't run into Max in the forest? What if she never found out that Rapunzel had left the tower and what if s...