chapter 2 when the love is thick, the love turns thin

Comenzar desde el principio

it took him half a day to return to reality.

he looked at the narrow, dark bedroom, at the empty bedside.

the man who once said he would be the most loyal guardian of his life is now snuggled up in his arms.

the man who had sworn to follow closely wherever he went in the world, did not know at which intersection, turned and left, and never followed.

when the love is thick, the emotions become thinner.

yang jiali slowly understood: ye ting only briefly loved him, and when the love was over, he went to love others.

the years of youth they spent together were like a torrential rain, and it passed.

everyone is growing, and no one is waiting for anyone.

a harsh alarm sounded, pulling yang jiali out of his thoughts.

yang jiali wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, laughed twice self-deprecatingly, turned off the alarm clock, and pulled his slippers into the bathroom to wash up.

ye ting was now a person who was no longer rare to touch with him, not worried about eating and wearing, not worrying about no one loving.

and he still has to continue to worry about his work and rent.

yang jiali brushed his teeth while looking at himself in the mirror with his hair curled, laughing and saying to himself: "too realistic, life is too realistic, fuck." "

after cleaning himself up, yang jiali went to his agency.

as soon as he arrived at the door of the brokerage firm, he saw two other members of their team standing at the door waiting for him.

both members are surnamed li, and yang jiali used to call them li da li er, so the inspiration for this call comes from "bear haunting".

li da li er has cherished the dream of stardom since he was a child, and he feels that once he debuts, he will definitely become popular all over the world, and there will be fans chasing him everywhere.

they even thought about how to educate fans to chase the stars rationally, but they didn't expect that reality was reality after all, and after debuting for so many years, it was still an eighteen-hundred-line line that no one cared about. the only time they were on tv was when their hometown agricultural television station set aside thirty seconds to play a clip of their dancing after the pig feeding program.

then the tv station received complaints from enthusiastic viewers - bullshit dance, dancing like the village mouth elderly aerobics, not as good as feeding pigs!

yang jiali, as the captain of this team, took the two of them, and it was really difficult.

when li da li er saw yang jiali, he asked head-on: "brother yang, did you drink with those grandfathers last night and bring resources?" "

yang jiali sat on the steps and shook his head.

li da worried: "then what to do, the boss has issued an ultimatum, if we can't pull the resources anymore, let us disband." "

li er gritted his teeth: "it's really not okay, let's go to the foot-washing city next door to try it, i heard that there are two people singing songs there." "

yang jiali sighed, thought for half a day, and patted his thigh: "i went to find the boss." "

he went into the company and went straight into the boss's office.

sitting down at the boss's desk, yang jiali did not succeed in his own teaching, accompanied by wine and vomiting, and did not pull the resources and disk out.

the boss smoked a cigarette and had a tough attitude: "i still have that sentence, you can't pull resources, the company has no need to continue to sign contracts with you, the dissolution will be dissolved, don't get in the way." "

yang jiali was not willing: "you really can't give another chance?" "

the boss grinned at the corners of his mouth: "xiao yang, do you think i don't want to give you another chance?" i tell you, it's the command from above. "

yang jiali blinked: "huh? "

"my small brokerage company is affiliated with the financial investment group above, and you should know this."

yang jiali nodded.

"the group recently changed coaches and came to a new president. as soon as he took office, he carried out drastic internal reforms, and all redundant investment projects that did not make money and had no prospects were killed - you are on the list of those who have been killed, you know. "

yang jiali was anxious: "we will plan for development well, and we will definitely be able to make money for the company in the future." you see if you can..."

"what's the use of you telling me," the boss said with a blank stare, "the president of the group wants you to roll, how can i keep you?" "

yang jiali: "then i went to ask him, does it work?" "

the boss was stunned for a moment, and suddenly burst into laughter: "the president of the people is everything, do you think he will see any wild cats and wild dogs?" you don't want to think about what you are, you kneel and beg him, and people don't bother to look at you. xiao yang, how many dishes last night, drink like this? "

yang jiali withered.

the boss laughed enough, wiped the tears from the laughter, and said, "if you are really iron, you will ask him to try." "

yang jiali muttered, "i don't even know what he looks like, try a fart." "

the boss pressed the mouse and clicked out a web page: "just him, the mother is so young to sit in the president's seat, sigh." "

yang jiali slumped his shoulders and raised his eyelids weakly to look at it.

at this glance, his whole body was thunderous and stunned.

the screen shows the appointment and dismissal announcement of the group's official website, a few lines of text, and the following is a group photo.

in the group photo, the new young president of the group, black suit, handsome and tall, full of spirit, standing in the middle of many elite big men, the momentum is not lost at all.

this face, yang jiali is too familiar, you can recognize it at a glance.

ye ting.

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