Alec laughed and we followed him down to the taxi.

We al had to squeeze in so I sat on Jon's lap. I had no objection In doing so.

We arrived to the club and some people pointed out Jon.

These two girls came up to us. "Hey Jon. Come join us."

Jon smiled politely "Sorry girls, I'm hanging out with the boys tonight."

"Then who's she"? Said another one.

I bit my lip. This was uncomfortable. "I'm his girlfriend."

They frowned "Jon she's ugly. I could make your night much better,"

I backed up but Jon's arm wrapped around me "Im fine ladies."

I rolled my eyes and continued walking with the rest of the band. Jon caught up.

"Please don't be mad." Jon said to me.

I sighed "Ughh is everyone that rude"?

"Sadly yes. But I only have eyes for you." He said squeezing my hands.

I nodded slowly. I didn't know if I trusted Jon or not. I trusted him before he cheated but now. It was different.

Neither of us wanted to admit it but we both knew that things had changed.

My thoughts were interrupted by Richie "Let's take shots"!

We walked to the bar. "Your all 21"? Said the bartender.

We all nodded.

"Okay." He poured us all a shot and we all took it together.

"YEAH"! Screamed Tico "MORE"!

No one objected so we did a few more rounds.

I was feeling a bit tipsy. Jon dragged me to the dance floor and we danced for about an hour.

The whole band and I ended up back at the bar and we ended up doing more shots.

We all sat down and drank our own beverages. A martini for me.

Alec started telling his whole life story "Yeah! I hated my life as a kid." He yelled.

I patted his shoulder "Alec,"

"Yeah"? He said taking a swig of his 7th beer.

"Your drunk." I said winking at him.

"Me! Look at Jon." He said laughing.

I looked over at Jon and his eyes were blood shot and he was staring at a wall.

"He's not drunk," I started and looked closer at him "He's high"?!

I grabbed his arm "Jon why the fuck are you doing drugs"?!

He pushed me off of him "Baby relax. Here try some."

"No! Jon! Drugs fuck people up. You shouldn't be doing them." I said angrily.

"Prude." He mumbled at me.

"How long have you been doing drugs"?! I demanded ignoring his prior comment.

"It's none of your business." He said standing up "Damn those girls out front were right. I'd be having a better time with them than you." He walked away.

I stood there with my mouth open "God he is such an ass. Can I have another shot"? I asked the bartender who had heard Jon's and I entire conversation.

"Um yeah." He said awkwardly.

Another person sat next to me "Hey baby what are you doing taking shots alone"?

 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 | jon bon jovi Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя