27. calculate the risk

Start from the beginning

"I have a feeling our wishes will come true," Freddy smiles then kisses your cheek.

"We've never faced a challenge we couldn't beat. I'd say we have good odds," You return the kiss then pull back as you hear the door to the roof open. You glance over to see Moondrop and wave at him.

"Did you guys come up here to clear your head too? I could come back later," he offers awkwardly, fearing he interrupted something.

"No, come on over we were just making wishes!" you beckon for him to join you and he takes a few long strides to the edge of the roof.

"Thanks again for getting my head straight, it's good to be myself," Moondrop says as he sits down, crossing his legs like a teacher might before reading a story.

"So why did you come up here?" you ask.

"I wanted to think about some changes coming to the plex," he shrugs and you share a concerned look with Freddy, "I'm still coming to terms with it,"

"We have heard some alarming things, is there something else?" Freddy inquires, approaching the subject as delicately as possible.

"When I was walking through the plex after hours I found a document in the bosses office. And yes, I know I'm not supposed to be in there," Moondrop begins to explain. He sighs and looks up at the sky, he fits in well under the blanket of stars.

"What did it say?" you ask, fearing the worst.

Instead of answering your question Moondrop asks one of his own, "I've scared so many kids, do you think they'll ever forgive me?"

You reach out and hold Moondrops hand with both of yours, when you give an encouraging little shake the bells on his wrists jingle, "It might take some time but I'm sure you'll build back the trust. You're good, and that'll shine through," you smile but Moondrop can't return it.

"I wish your boss thought that too," he looks down and your smile falls.

"What are they planning?" you ask and squeeze his hand a little tighter.

"They want to separate me from Sun, and if that doesn't work they'll get rid of us both," he says then pulls his hand away, "I can't tell Sun,"

It feels like the world is crumbling in your hands, turning to sand and slipping through your fingers. The tide is coming in a taking everything away. You can't let that happen. Freddy seems to sense your thoughts and speaks, "It is going to be ok, we will fix this together,"

"You need to tell Sundrop," you add, then look up at Freddy. He nods at you and you turn back to Moondrop, sharing the advice you should also remember, "he deserves to know and it's not healthy to put all the pressure on yourself,"

"We have to help each other. we are strongest together," Freddy says and hugs you again. Moondrop watches you two hug and fiddles with his thumbs until Freddy laughs and extends an arm to him. Moondrop cracks a smile and wraps his very long arms around you both.

"We should get everyone together to make a plan," you say, slightly muffled in the group hug.

"Do you already have something in mind?" Freddy asks, surprised at your quick thinking.

"It's a work in progress," you admit.

"That's a starting place!" Moondrop encourages, boosting your confidence. He lets go of you and Freddy then hops up, "Ready to go?"

You glance between Freddy and Moondrop then nod, "I think it's time to take matters into our own hands again,"

You stand up then head back into the facility with Freddy and Moondrop. It's still dim in the hall so Moondrop stays for awhile. He pauses before you reach the bright atrium, "go ahead, I'm going to talk to Sun,"

the best laid plans (glamrock Freddy x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now