"Please Will" I sobbed,

"One" he began to count making my sobs grow more,

"Stop" I whined,

"Two" he continued "c'mon Gracelyn, don't let me get to three" he implored. With a defeated whine I turned and walked over to the corner and stood facing the wall "five minutes" Will reminded me.

Five minutes later my cries had only increased and I was well and truly past the point of no return,

"Gracie" Will spoke in a soft yet firm tone "are you gonna stop being silly now so we can have a conversation?" He asked as he crouched down in front of me,

"I'm not being silly" I insisted,

"Well you're not being sensible" he replied,

"I don't wanna go to bed" I sobbed heartbroken and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt him rub soothing circles on my back,

"Sweetheart you're just over tired" Will insisted "you'll feel better when you've had a good nights sleep" he assured but I shook my head insistently,

"No" I stated "I'm not even a little bit tired" I assured and he looked at me doubtfully,

"C'mon, let's wash your face and get you changed in to your pyjamas" he encouraged,

"No no no no no" I wriggled out of his grip and crawled under the table out of reach,

"Gracelyn" I heard Will sigh frustratedly "now you are just being silly" he said "get out of there" he instructed firmly "don't think I won't pull you out from there myself, because I will" he warned and my defence faltered. I shuffled out from my hiding spot and felt Will lift me to my feet "pyjamas" he ordered as he pointed towards my bedroom,

"I don'" he cut me off before I could continue,

"I'm not playing around with you anymore kid" he said sternly "go and get changed for bed" he instructed once again. Something about his tone and demeanour proved that he meant business so with a scowl still knitted on to my face I went to my bedroom to get changed in to my pj's.

"I got changed but I'm not going to bed" I stated as I walked back in to the kitchen with my pj's on,

"Do you need to wash your face or use the bathroom?" He asked and I shook my head with a slight confused frown "then it sounds like you're ready for bed to me" he shrugged as he turned me back towards my bedroom and walked me in to it,

"Nooo" I sobbed as I lifted my legs up of the floor leaving me hanging like a monkey from my brothers arms,

"What the?" A voice asked from the front door,

"You're sister won't go to bed" Will told Jay who shot me a look,

"Why is she my sister when she isn't doing what you want?" Jay asked with a raised eyebrow,

"So you want her to stay up?" Will challenged and Jays shoulders slumped in defeat at the short argument,

"Gracie, it's bedtime" Jay said firmly,

"Wow, I wish I'd of thought of that move" Will said sarcastically,

"NO" I screamed and Will let out a frustrated sigh,

"This is ridiculous" he mumbled as he carried me in to my bedroom and deposited me in to my bed "you stay in this bed Gracelyn" Will warned as he switched on my night light and left me alone screaming to myself.

I continued to scream for god knows how long but received zero attention from either of my brothers which was just making me even more frustrated. I climbed out of my bed and stomped out of my room and in to the living room where Jay was sat watching a hockey game on mute,

"I don't wanna go to bed" I sobbed and Jay walked towards me and took my hand in his. He silently led me back to my bedroom and put me back in to bed "Jay" I sobbed as he left. This routine continued for another half an hour until eventually Jay appeared,

"I don't wanna hear any more screaming" he said firmly as he sat down on the bed next to me as I sobbed. He stroked my hair soothingly as my sobs began to quieten down and my breathing became more stable.

"Jay" I whimpered,

"What?" He replied,

"'M thirsty" I sniffled and he sighed,

"I'm not surprised after all that screaming" he said as he shuffled off the bed "c'mon then" he instructed as he led me to the kitchen and handed me a glass of water,

"Where's Will gone?" I asked confused,

"Out" Jay replied as he wet his hand under the tap and wiped my face with it "are you done?" He asked referring to my half empty glass of water. I nodded silently and he removed the glass from my hands "it's time for you to go to bed now Gracie, no more games" he said firmly and I nodded in a tired defeat. He lifted me off the kitchen counter and walked me back to my bedroom where I more than willingly climbed in to my bed,

"Will you stay with me until I'm asleep?" I asked hopefully and he nodded,

"I'll do anything as long as you go to sleep" he admitted as he laid down next to me. 

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