Chapter 66 • Regret

Start from the beginning

"Yes." She chuckled, "What color is your hair?"

"I'm colorblind, Mae." He spoke in a monotoned voice.

I couldn't help but huff out in a smile.

"But you surely know your own hair color and eye color right?" She smiled.

George looked at himself in the mirror again as his expression slowly dropped.

Mine and Hunter's features were the same. Both dark haired and dark eyed.

I frowned while looking at myself.

"Do you get triggered if you see yourself in the mirror?"

I sighed nervously, "No..."

"Why do you think that is?"

I closed the mirror as I set it down in my lap.

"Because I trust myself...I know that I won't do anything bad to hurt myself..."

"Have you hurt yourself in the past?"

I took a deep breath as I felt the tears warming up in the corners of my eyes.



"U—um..." I swallowed hard, "I—I tried jumping off a building...and I tried drowning..."

"Why were they unsuccessful?"

I pouted as I remembered the reason why.

Cause of Dream.

My eyes trailed to meet his.

"Dream saved me both times..."

"Why?" She smiled.

"Because he loves me..." my lip quivered as I kept my eyes locked on him, "And he wants me to be okay..."

Dream's eyes filled with tears as well.

"I want you to be okay too—that's why I have to keep the gun around—" my voice trembled as I spoke to him, "I don't have the strength that you do—I—"

I sighed.

"You're so much stronger than me at everything. Mentally, emotionally, physically—" I shook my head as the tears collapsed to my sweatpants, "You always save me and I'm so fucking scared that one day it's gonna stick—"

My voice trembled as I shook my head.

"I get triggered and I hate myself for doing that because it ruins your mood and you can tell when something's bothering me and—" I sniffled, "Y—you always try making me feel better even if you're the one I'm mad at—"

Dream's tears collapsed down his cheeks.

"I regret everything..." I frowned, "I regret being stupid enough to go to the rink alone—I regret telling you I didn't love you when I knew I did—I regret staying frozen after seeing you get shot..."

My voice cracked.

"I regret killing Hunter—" my face squished together as I felt so much pressure on my chest.

Dream frowned at me as his face squished together too.

"I fucking regret it—" I cried while leaning my face into my hands.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, already knowing they're Dream's. We held each other tightly as I cried into his chest.


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