- bonus chapter 01 -

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Sitting back on his bed, Dream could only wonder what George had in mind. The smirk he gave him could on be described as fucking malicious, and Dream felt his stomach drop at the thought.

After what felt like an eternity, but was merely a few seconds of the night, George returned through the doorway, slyly holding something behind his back.


But George cut him off, "You'll have to be quiet for me, okay?" He told him, with a pleading look in his brown doe eyes.

All the blonde could do was nod. George smirked, walking over to the bedside table before putting something discreetly on top.

Crawling over him, he traced his hands softly up the blonde's arms, guiding them above his head, and pulling them above the bed head.

"I'll explain this once, and only once, okay?" George told him, voice low and filled with an undeniable hunger. Dream watched as the brunette pulled a thick black fabric out, tying it around his wrists, weaving it around and tying it tightly with a knot. He hated how turned on he was by the action alone. "I have a few.. things, in my box." Dream's eye subconsciously flicked over to the box George bought with him, the one he had placed on the bedside table and was hidden away with a lid.

"I'm going to gently swipe them across your chest," George said, careful to trace a finger across the taller's toned chest, around his well-defined pecs and dauntingly around his nipples. Dream watched with an eager eye, heart a stuttering mess beneath the brunette's touch. "And your goal is to guess what it is." He explained simply.

Dream let out a shaky breath, he hadn't even realized he had been holding. It seemed simple enough, he could play this game. "Is that it?"

"Mhm.. but, every time you guess something wrong," George added, teeth sinking maliciously into the flesh off his soft lips "You have to strip."

"Strip?" Dream knew there was something. He looked up to the brunette in slight panic, and George mwelled at the rise he got out of him.

"That's what I said, didn't I?" He grinned.

"What happens if I guess it right?" Dream countered,

George thought for a moment, before a sly smirk ghosted across his lips. "Then, I'll strip."

It almost didn't feel like a fair deal to the blonde, considering he was only wearing sweats, and there was only two thin layers of fabric protecting him. But nonetheless, Dream mindlessly agreed.

The last thing the blonde saw was George's grinning face before the world around him went black.

Tightly securing a blindfold across his eyes, George watched as Dream's gorgeous, green eye's disappeared behind the fabric. He tied it behind his head, sure to leave a light graze of his touch across the blonde's cheek as he pulled away.

"Are you ready?"

Dream swallowed, "Yeah."

George grinned, reaching across the bed to the nightstand, before pulling out his first item. Straddling Dream's waist, George gently pulled out the first object, before quickly bringing it down to swipe across the skin of his chest.

Dream flinched at the contact, gasping out - "fuck." under his breath. George grinned.

The blonde immediately felt a pinch of pain, a pinch of pain that quickly subdued to dull cold prick. He undeniably felt the chill, intently focused on it.

"Any guesses?" George prompted.

Dream had one. "S-shit, is that ice?"

George grinned, "Correct." He spoke, immediately bringing the ice block off his skin. Dream sighed, and then felt the seemingly searing hot kick of George's tongue, licking up the residue the ice left on his skin.

A Week In November // dreamnotfoundWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu