Bubble baths

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I sigh walking into the home of Stu Macher. I close the door behind me as I hang my purse on the rack then walk to the bedroom. Stu was laying in bed as billy was in the restroom ."hey my honey bun how was work" stu sat up. I walk over and sit on his lap as I mumble "long as hell."

Stu nods as he kisses my head "well we started a bubble bath for you and I grilled some ribs so you can eat" he smiles kissing my head again talking in a baby voice to me, very gentle Stu was with me. I nod blushing softly looking up once billy walked out "it's ready" he leans down and pecks my lips as I stand still standing taller then him. He was the shortest in the relationship. Like a little Levi next to hange and Erwin. I go to the restroom as Stu follows "you need help?"

I turn and shrug "if you want to help Stu. Or you just want to see my body." I giggle softly as I take my top off. He blushed and shakes his head "no no I didn't mean it- well I did- but I didn't-" I cut him short as I held up my hand "it's alright Stu you can help me" he hurries over helps me take off my shoes as I sat on the toilet.

"Hey babe." Billy walks over. I turn looking at him smiling. He walks overlooking down at me "damn you look tired" he mutters cringing. I sigh "the boss made me do more this week I have no idea why" she shakes her head looking at her lap watching stu. "Not gonna lie I think he's racists" stu mumbles as he takes off her socks then stands her up taking off her pants.

Billy shakes his head with his plane expression. I snort "he really said February is over therefore I'm making you work harder" I mock a deep voice as I wiggle my finger. Stu shakes his head chuckling softly as he sits my stuff side only in a bra and panties. "Well if that's the case he better watch himself" billy mumbles. I nod sliding off my panties then my bra as I get in the tub.

I lay back in the bubble bath it's very calming not gonna lie. The boys left me be for the time being. I close my eyes listening to the music as I hum it softly. I hear steps as I look up slightly. "SPLASH TIME" Stu fires the super soaker at me getting me all wet. I scream as I cover my face "STU!" I yell angrily. "Uh oh-" he runs I get up and dry off really fast putting my new bra and panties on then I run after him.

scream oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora