Chapter 31 : True Love & Obstacles

Start from the beginning

What if she does not approve of me?

Arnaud don't go that way. I stop my internal monologue and pay attention to Mr Subramaniam.

"My only advice to you is, Ammachi is a firm believer in 'First impression is the last impression.' Please make sure that you make a good one. Unlike us she will not give you second chances."

I nod determinedly. Mr and Mrs Subramaniam leave the room not without saying something to Zoya in their mother tongue, she sharply answers them back in the same language and taking my hand leads me to her room.

I enquire with my eyes, to which she replies, "They have specifically instructed me to keep the door open. No hanky - panky business allowed." I squeeze her hand in empathy.

"Zoya, how do I get Ama to like me?" I ask her.

"Arnaud, in order to understand why Ammachi is this way you need to understand the events that lead to it. My grandmother's husband, died in the struggle for Independence and she was left with three daughters and a son. This is why she is wary of foreigners. She believes that they were responsible for her husbands' untimely death. Being illiterate, she had to work very hard to bring up her kids and manage the household. She was able to educate her children and make them self reliant, that each of them holds a good job and is happily married. Ammachi is a no - nonsense person. This is a trait all her children have inherited, which is why my mother is like this. As far as impressing her goes, just be yourself and she will love you like I do."

"Zoya, you do realize that my skin colour is white. I'm French and I live in the States, I don't exactly qualify as Indian." I gently remind her.

"Arnaud, let's not pay attention to that. I'm sure Ammachi will look beyond your skin colour and see the real you. The Arnaud I fell head over heels, madly, deeply, passionately, immensely in love with." She says hugging me tight.

I hug her back. Suddenly my nose starts twitching, something's not right.

I look around.

Oh man! My attention is drawn to the present.

It's the poo dish. Crap. Crap. Pay attention, I chastise myself. This is not something to trifle with. If the Amma lady does not like my dish, I will have to pack my bags and catch the first flight to the States without Zoya and that would be a real shame.

I try my best to salvage the dish but it's a lost cause. With a final bubble and sputter like it's last words, it's gone, lost forever to the culinary world. I bow my head in silence paying my homage to it and lamenting the end of my love life.

This was my last hope. Cooking Indian food to impress Ama. Everybody knows, the way to a persons heart is through their stomach but for me to reach the heart, and pass the stomach I needed something palatable and my only hope had abandoned me, a blob of greenish brown coloured mass, lying in a pool of brown water in the pan before me. Don't ask. Just don't.

I rack my brains hard. Indian food is not meant for me. I cannot cook Indian food. It seems like Indians are born with a special bone or gene in their body that permits them to cook so well. I, sadly don't and I don't even have the time to mourn God's partiality in this domain because I need to salvage my love life.

Think Arnaud think, my brain tells me.

I'm dead.

Think something else.

Zoya will get married to Jay.

Different tangent. Think of something not related to Jay. My mind yells.

I need to cook something delicious and cook it rapidly.

That's more like it, But what ? My mind goads me.

Chicken, mutton, beef, bacon.

Out of the question. They are vegetarians, you idiot. my mind screams again.

I don't know, Pasta.

It's not French, you bumbling baboon.

I give up. I can't think.

Foolish , what is your specialty?

Meat & Dessert.

If you can't make meat, what can you still make?


Which one?? My mind asks excitedly.

Chocolate of course. I tell my mind confidently.

Halleluiah. Glory be to God and all the saints in heaven. The boy sees sense. My mind starts singing.

"Arnaud, Arnaud, Are you Ok, why are you mumbling?" Zoya's voice breaks me from my internal monologue.

"I'm here. I'm fine. Just re-evaluating some decisions." I tell her slowly.

"I hope they don't concern me because if you turn your back on me, I swear to the 3 million Gods in heaven, I will skin you alive, roast you on a bonfire and do the tribal dance around it while you burn." She says with so much conviction that I'm sure she will do it. This is my Zoya. The one I love. The one who is not afraid to speak her mind.

"Calme down mon amour. I have no intention of leaving, not without you by my side." I say pulling her into me, her hands intertwine around my neck, my hands circling her waist, our bodies touching.

"Then what were you you re-evaluating?" She asks me sincerely

"My culinary choice for your grandmere." I tell her, giving her am Eskimo kiss on her nose.

"And what is the result?" She enquires

"Chocolat" I tell her.


" I know you love chocolate, so I assume that your grandmere does too and I'm going to make her chocolat mousse and a triple chcoloate pastry which I'm sure she will love." I tell her, my mind already listing out the ingredients and hunting the recipe.

"You, Mr Tatou, are so smart. I wonder how you managed to scrape through that test, all those months ago. Was it an evil ploy to trap me ?" She asks with an endearing grin.

"Well that is one secret that will go with me to my grave," I whisper in her ear. "Now, you have to help me make this dish before your grandmere arrives. Our future depends on it." I tell her sincerely.

She nods her head in perfect understanding and we both get down to cooking.

I may not be able to cook Poondu but I can make a chocolate mousse and triple chocolate pastry. A very mean and finger licking delicious one. You don't want to mess with me when it comes to chocolate.

Author's Note : Hello, you lovely Wattpaders. I know I have been late in uploading this chapter but please forgive me, I have been exceedingly busy. You guys are the best readers any author could ask for. Thankyou for being so patient. What do you think of Ammachi? Will she like our Hero, hate him? Your comments are always welcome. Vote and Comment. XOXO

Accidentally, In love ( UNDER EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now