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The next day Harry didn't feel like going to school. He was forced to go because his mom said so luckily his mom didn't go to work today so she could drive Harry-That made him very happy-

"Get in Harry you don't want to be late!"

"I'm coming geez" Harry was trying so hard not to be mean and let his bpd take over his kindness.


When Harry Arrived he saw Niall talking to Zayn. Niall seemed Confused but a bit delighted-Harry was very confused that he was talking to Zayn Malik-

"Wow so you just knew?" Harry heard Niall say from Afar.

"What's....Whats happening over here...?"

"HAZZA DID YA MISS ME!?" Niall shouted sounding excited and happy.

"No I did not, I was acctually very glad you was gone geez I needs a break now your back!?" Harry rolled his eyes

"I see the bpd has kicked in" Zayn chuckled

"Zip it pal!" Niall was defending Harry he didn't even care what zayn said at this point.

"Nialler it's fine I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that Also, yes Malik it in fact did!" Now Harry was defending Niall. That's just how there friendship is.

"Shit sorry lads gotta get going umm...Principal Nichols wanted to talk to me..." Niall look down at his shoes Slightly blushing then walking away

"OoOoOoh someones in trouble.."

"Shut up Zayn!" Niall scoffed

"Love ya too Ni!"Zayn and Harry where both laughing it was all going good when Louis came up to them.

"Uhm Zayn Principal Nichols wanted to see you...He told me to get you so we better get going" Louis tried ignoring Harry but he kept on taking quick glances here and there while talking to Zayn.

"OoOoOoh now someone else is in trouble" Harry teased Zayn "Karma" Harry mumbled to Zayn

"Shut it styles!" Zayns eyes widened realizing what he just said.

Harry gave him a Soft elbow to the ribs and chuckled a bit

"don't worry Malik I won't beat you up Geez now get going to the principals office" Harry gave a small smirk and motioned for Zayn to get walking. Zayn rolled his eyes and groaned while walking away. Harry looked down at his shoes and then looked up to Louis.

"You need something?" Louis was just standing their and It kind of bothered Harry.

"Oh uhm- ye..- uhm" Louis was biting his lip to not let a smile go on his face wich he failed badly. Now Louis had a smike on his face.

"Gosh you smile way to much!"

"Oh sorry uhm I didn't mean to sa-" Louis cut him off

"It's fine honestly don't be sorry" Louis put his hand on Harrys shoulder and lifted his chin up giving him a soft smile. Now Louis and Harry where super close to each other Louis couldn't help it and he was smiling stupidly at Harry.

"I..-" Harry was trying to speak but nothing came out of his mouth. Him and Louis where inches away and His lips looked so pink and soft and their was a small gap beetween and Harry just wanted to cover the gap with his own lips.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson I never really introduced myself and you are..?"

"Harry Styles" Harry gave a warm smile and he was now blushing a bit and Louis was even closer to him.

"You have a very cute smile" Louis was now blushing aswell and he really enjoyed hearing Harry's raspy voice whenever he talked.

Harry couldn't help it any more... He cuped Louis jaw with his hand and slowly moved his head closer to Louis' head. Louis seemed shocked when Harry cupped his jaw but he really liked it.

Louis Gasped loudly when Harry put his soft red lips against his but slowly melted into the kiss. He couldn't believe Harry was kissing him inside his stomach was doing backflips and jumping up and down but he didn't want to show it so he just relaxed into the kiss enjoying it.

Harry pulled away after a few seconds Louis didn't want him to and he pouted his mouth when he did

"I- I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO I...-" Harry Ran away he was embarrassed and he didn't mean to do that.

"WAIT-!... Harry..." Louis had a tear in his eye but he wiped it away and just ran off to his car-He left school early-

While driving home he felt sad and embarrassed he started tearing up and some of his tears did in fact leave his eyes...

Wow I just went for it guys I might change this chapter later If I think it's to much later on but yeah...it's an okay chapter<3



It's not my fault☹︎❤︎-Larry Stylinson&lt;3Where stories live. Discover now