I'm What!?

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Vegeta came out of the bathroom, noticing the note. He read it and blushed at the final words.

S-she...liked it?

He sighed and went to his room putting the note on the table.

"The grocery store huh? After eating a lot I guess we do need more food."

After thinking for a moment, he quickly got dressed and headed towards the store.


Back at the store, Vennesa already had cereal, milk, eggs, and a few ingredients for dinner. The cashier checked all the items out and looked at Vennesa's neck.



"You have something on your neck."


She touched her neck and felt a bite mark.

Damn it Vegeta! Great, I guess it's a good thing that we're mates...

She sighed.

"Never mind that. How much is that?"


She paid for the groceries and walked outside holding her stomach.

"I've been feeling sick lately. Maybe I should go to the doctor..."

She's been through this at least three times already. Vennesa gasped and ran quickly to a pharmacy buying only one item.

Vegeta, if you can hear me you are SO dead if this is what I think it is!!!


Vegeta could hear Vennesa's thoughts. The old Vennesa was back. He knew he'd get his ass beat if she was what she thought. He decided to wait for her back at Capsule Corp.

When she came back, she dropped off the groceries and ran to the bathroom. After a minute or two, she went to Vegeta with tears in her eyes.

She was either sad or angry. Vegeta was right. He closed his eyes, ready for the beat down. He felt warm all of a sudden.

Below him was Vennesa, hugging him and crying.

"Um...Robinita? Are you alright?"

"Oh Vegeta, I'm pregnant!"


"You're gonna be a father dumbass."

"I know what you said, I just can't believe it..."

She giggled and hugged him tightly. Vegeta smiled and wrapped his arms around her as she hugged him. Softly she whispered:

"I love you Veggie..."

He whispered back:

"I love you too Robin..."


"What is it?"

"What about Bulma? And Trunks? And I can't just leave Shadow and the twins."

"We'll have to keep this a secret. Bulma would kill us both if she knew."

"The only reason why I haven't killed her yet was because Trunks was suppose to exist."


They laughed and went downstairs to put everything away. After dinner they went to sleep.

The Nightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें