Chapter One: An interesting meeting

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Zekken sprinted through the dense underbrush. He was running from a creature he'd never even seen, only its shadow. It's long dark shadow and sprawling limbs terrified him to the core. The air smelled of sulfur, the wind whipped past his face with a painful bite. The sound of his feet speeding through the rock, stone, and grass. His breathing was fast as he was in fear of the creature following him. His sweat fell into his eyes causing an enormous amount of pain. Why? Why is this happening to me? What did I do? Did I anger the gods? His thoughts were filled with horror as he continued to run not seeing a massive cliff. He tripped then fell down and down he fell. He saw the ground approaching fast. His eyes opened wide as he hit the ground only he didn't.

He was suspended above the ground. Has the creature done this? He didn't know the creature ran through the forests around his dream

He bolted upright, beads of sweat dripping down his pale skin. He looked around his room, making sure he was truly safe. A desk sat next to the window with about ten books sprawled across it, along with a few mechanical parts that Zekken had no use for. He stood and wandered to his wardrobe, changing into his usual outfit. A sapphire tunic with black pants covered in pockets. He glanced out of his window at the town, waking up along with him. His mind lingered on his nightmare. What even was that thing... Why does it keep tormenting me?

Zekken opened his closed blinds and his mechanical creation, Edgar, moved a bit from its still form. "Hello Edgar," Zekken said to the dark-colored bird. His only reply was the sound of its wings as it flew over to him. Zekken let the bird perch on his shoulders, then walked downstairs to his still darkened café. He called it, "Zek's Coffee and Pastry". It had coffee colored walls that created a darker atmosphere, and Zekken loved it. The café was filled with tables laid out in an orderly fashion and large beautiful lights that hung over the ceiling. It was a comfortable space that gave a nice welcoming aroma. Although as he walked down, he sighed at the sight of dirty dishes lying on stained tables. He grabbed a bucket of cleaning supplies and began to sweep and wipe the tables down. Once the room was spotless, he prepped coffee machines and turned on the lights. Finally, he opened the café. About ten minutes passed before the first of his regulars walked in. She was a tall, artistic woman who always wore interesting clothes.

"Hey Zek! I'll have the usual! A double espresso mocha," She said, smiling as she sat down at her usual spot, an open table near the bookshelves. The table was round and made for only one person, but was circular and comfy. Zekken went over to the prepared coffee machines and made two shots of espresso. He put them in a cup along with a small piece of chocolate, and mixed it together to make the mocha. He then brought it over to the lady.

Everything was civil as the hours passed, until a tall figure walked in, and walked up to Zekken. Zekken felt short in his presence. The man cleared his throat, which caught Zekken's attention.

"You are Zekken Mezzanotte, are you not?" He asked, his silver eyes staring into Zekken's.

"That is my name..." Zekken replied, a slight amount of fear filling his eyes. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked, setting down the plate he was taking to the sink.

"No, You aren't in trouble. You just need to come with me. To Evaisa. It's a long trip, so I would start packing now if I were you." He said calmly, sitting down.

"Why do I need to go?" Zekken said he looked confused.

"Well you've been summoned to the castle, why else?"

"I need to help these customers, then pack. I'm sorry sir, this might be a while," Zekken said, surveying the room full of quiet chatter.

"That's alright, I don't mind. My name is Terran." He said, sitting down. Terren reached into the bag he was carrying and grabbed a book that he began to read. Zekken tended to his patrons calmly. It took about twenty minutes, but he finally finished and walked over to Terran.

"I'll be back within 10 minutes, watch over Edgar for me?" He asked, not waiting for an answer. He dashed upstairs and began to pack everything he thought he would need. Before finishing, he hid a small silver dagger in his belt. Just in case.

Zekken walked downstairs with a sigh. He strolled over to Terren.

"Well I'm open to go now. Just try not to kill me," He said with a laugh. "I get annoying," he added quickly.

"Even if you were annoying, I wouldn't kill you. Plus, I've been ordered to protect you. Wouldn't send the second highest ranking knight to a village if it wasn't for a reason," He said with a smirk. Zekken was impressed. "I've never fought a day in my life," He said, putting his backpack on while waiting for Terran.

"Shall we?" Terran said then standing walking to the door. Zekken heaved a sigh, then began to walk towards the door.

"We shall."

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